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When Fitz's mom came in, Sophie and Fitz quickly pulled a part. "Um... mom what are you doing?" Fitz quickly asked, maybe a little to quickly.
"Just giving you some Mallowmelt, Biana and Fitz go up stairs. Bring your friends."
Fitz and Biana nodded. "C'mon," Biana motioned to Sophie and Linh to follow her. Fitz, Tam, Keefe and Dex followed the girls.
When Linh, Sophie and Biana go to Biana's room, they started stuffing their faces with Mallowmelt, "Lets - talk - about - crushes," Linh said smiling in between bites. "I'll go first, then, Biana then Sophie. My crush is Fitz."
Biana smirked, "Well then, my FF, Friend Forever, is in love with my brother," (notice how I didn't put BFF) Linh blushed deep red, "Any-who, my crush is Keefe. Sophie who's your crush?"
I have a crush on Fitz, but if I say that, Linh will hate me. Thought Sophie, "I-," like Fitz. "I don't have a crush." Sophie sighed, yes you do. "Lets go to bed, it's like almost 1:00."
Everyone nodded. Linh walked to her bed, a blow up bed, a silver with pink flowers blow up bed. Sophie's bed was plain red.  Sophie fell asleep, in a few minutes, (hours actually), Sophie sensed movement. Sophie squinted. She saw Linh move. Sophie got up and followed her. Sophie was testing the floor for a creaky board, making sure to not wake anyone. Sophie saw Linh walk into the boys' room then out but with Fitz, she ran to a plant then hid behind it. When Linh and Fitz's backs turned, Sophie emerged from her hiding spot, and followed them. Linh dragged Fitz to a storage room Sophie didn't even know the Vackers' had. When Linh and Fitz went in they closed the door.
"What do you want? It's like 5:45!" Fitz said in a sleepy voice.
"......." Linh's mouth formed words but nothing came out.
"WHAT IS IT?" demanded Fitz
"I sorta... I don't know how to put this... like you? Yeah like you. Like, like you, really like you."
"Well I love you too." Please Fitz no! Sophie thought. A tear slipped Sophie's cheek, she quickly wiped it away. Linh's mouth curled up in a smile but then quickly disappeared when Fitz added, "Like a sister."
"Then who do you like?"
"Sophie, Sophie Foster!" Fitz's voice sounded more annoyed then sleepy now.
"Oh? That stupid, freaky girl, with those brown eyes! Ugh!" A/N: You can tell I'm not the biggest fan of Linh
"Then why did you pretend to be her friend?"
"To get close to you." Linh snapped while slapping Fitz's face. "Get out, leave me to cry!"
Fitz nodded then opened the door, right in front of him was Sophie.
"Hi" Sophie whispered.

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