Love Patrol I- Crush

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Well, for most of the people out there, especially the teens; they're having--- somewhat hard time or good time on their "crushes", always bragging about him/her, daydreams about the happenings they we're in to, etc.

Based on what I saw and heard nowadays, I had formed different kinds of crush:

1) You saw a handsome guy passing by the sidewalk. You are sitting on a bench then suddenly he asks for a seat. Without valid reasons or conclusions, due to the spark you received from the guy, you granted what he ask and then go to the state of condition called "quick affection". 

*Quick affection is the state of condition wherein you suddenly had a feeling (crush) on someone you saw, know, seen in a split of second. It is also a "secret affection" that you are the only one who knows it and only lasts on that day, or maximum of 3-7 days. Then after that span of time, you loses the interest to that person, completely forgetting him/her  Sometimes, this condition is attributed to sudden loss of focus and drastic, unexpected perspiration brought by the feeling. This is also called as CCC or Common Crush Condition.

2) You and your friends are walking down the stairs. As you go down, you suddenly slip out the way. Your things were disarranged in the stairs. A guy saw you, so he helped you to stand up and picked up your things. He ask you if you can continue to go down the stairs, you answered away from the truth--- you can still walk but you take advantage of the guy you help. So, he help you go down the stairs with your things carried by him. Because of that unusual happening, you suddenly had a crush on him due to his concern and goodness.

*This kind of crush is what we call "thank you crush". But don't take it literally from the word thank you. It's just a description pertaining to a sudden feeling brought by help, concern doing or assit done to you. Since you are the kind of person that admires good people who help other people, you like, adore or have crush on him/her. It is attibuted to knowing of each other, sudden eye-to-eye contact and rattle talking after the happening. Not all the times but most of them are the good ones. That "not all" are the ones who take granted of that happening in which most of the time they do it to seek attention to their opposite sex. 

3) Years back, when you we're first year, you had a crush to your one classmate. Due to indefinite and unbearable reasons, you start to develop the interest to her. As the years go by, second-third-fourth until you graduate, you still believe in the so called waiting. You still have crush on her and you beleive that those years you'd waited for is worth it. But who knows, the only answer will be a "Yes" or a "No", "Success" or "Fail". 

* I know some of you guys had try this one, waited for so long for their "love", prince charming, lady, etc. What ever you call him or her. This type of crush is what we call "futuristic crush" where you start making future plans from your crush. This is attributed also to the "waiting system", yung "paghihintaysa tagalog. You believe that after those years of waiting, you keep that feeling to burst out from your heart, you endure to speak it out to your him or her, only your friends know it. Well, good for you if you got the "Yes" option. Meaning, your wait is worthwhile. You can now take a deep breath and start to live in the reality--- you love each other. You were accepted, good job! But for those who got the "No", I'm sorry but that's the true. Your wait is not worth it, it's ok to cry. That's just a part of our life. Let's say, you were overqualified to the feelings he or she have, so she rejected you. He or she only want that "sure ball", exact feelings. Not to much, like playing safe.





Did I miss other types? Feel free to comment and suggest here in my short "story?"... 

It's up to you how you will define your crush, for the mean time...

What kind of crush have you experienced? The CCC? or the Thank you? or maybe the so called futuristic crush? 

I hope you have one from these three that I had given. Make your own way of expressing your love and thoughts to someone. Don't be too startled here, it's only based on what I saw and heard from those people experiencing it.

I hope you like this. Feel free to comment and leave your suggestions. 

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