Code:Crystal Book One;Chapter Four

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"So if you are ever approached by one of Magina's monsters or servants,give it your all. We know now that she is planning to destroy Beta,and maybe even all of you. So just,be safe." Ms. Enigma told the children
After class,Alexa saw Ms. Enigma in the hall and caught up with her.
"So,if you don't mind me asking..
how was Magina defeated..and why is she just now coming back?" Alexa asked her
"We had to defeat her by combining all of the world's elements,but sadly,she has gotten stronger,so it will be harder to defeat her.
I wish I knew why she has come back,but I don't and I do not know how she did." Ms. Enigma replied

Suddenly a storm brewed outside.

"Dean,do you know what's going on?" Brie asked her friend
"I... I don't."
They all looked at him
"What? Just because I have weather knowledge doesn't mean I know what's going on." He replied

"Well whatever it is,we need our crystals." Brie ordered the team
They headed to their room to find the crystals and then placed them on their chests and transformed.
"T-That's new.. and it's cool!" Alexa said in an excited voice
"Ooh, I love the small cape too!" She added
When they got back they saw a shadowy figure go toward them. He had a distorted voice
"Sø,yøu are my master's sister's students,nø?" The voice spoke
"Yes. But the question is..who are you?" Sasha asked rudely
"Øh,I'm surprised yøu haven't heard øf me.
Wisp,King of Shadows. My father was the great Thanatos,god of death."
"Um. Hey..Wisp? i hope i got that right I apologize if I didn't,but uhh,I've um never heard of you. Sorry to tell you that." a random student said

After hearing this,Wisp brought the student up to him and threw him into the ground.
"Øh calm døwn,he's still alive. I think." the demon responded

Suddenly he was struck by ice,from Alexa
He was froze for a second,but was able to break out of the ice
Wisp shot a shadow ball back at Alexa,but her ice dodged it
Sasha trapped him in vines from behind and Nate attacked him with a sword of fire but the fire touched the vines and he broke out of them
"I got it,I got it." Brie responded while she flung him into the air. While he was in the air Dean struck him with lighting. After he went back to the ground,Mike trapped him in water and he became weak.
Wisp's voice became corrupted.
"ThiS..tHiS iS nOt tHe eND oF mE. I wiLL bE baCK. aND wHEN i aM....I wiLL heLp mY maStEr tUrn tHiS wOrLd inTo a ShaDoW reALM."
He said before warping back

"am I the only one who noticed how we were the only ones who fought? I mean I know someone got injured,but it shouldn't take like 50 people to help an injured persob but come oN." Alexa ranted to her team.

"Mike, I have some troublesome news." Ms. Enigma said in a worried voice.
"Your going to be destroyed."

In Chapter Five,the team helps Mike find a book on how to restore the Ocean and Nate and Brie go with him to help him
Chapter Five will be released on Friday

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