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I felt someone sit next to me and touch my face and play with my hair. I feel soft lips on mine but I don't move or open my eyes.

"I'm here Morgan.. I missed you"

Ethan Grant Dolan

"I'm here" he whispers

Now that I know that he is here I open my eyes and cling onto him making him fall on me slightly. He rolls over and he pulls me into him.

"Your so warm" Ethan mumbles

"I know" I whisper into his chest

We cuddle for a few more minutes then I realize that I don't have a bra on. My face turns red and then I switch positions to where I'm not facing Ethan and I feel him cuddle me from the back.

Ethan slowly slides his left hand up my shirt and grabs my boob in a non sexual way and puts his face to the crook of my neck.

I don't know why but I have these strong feelings towards Ethan. Everything about him makes me want to just hear more and more about him. The way his eyes stare deep into mine trying to look for things. It makes me so interested in him.

I don't know when or if he is going to ask me out. I don't want anything bad to happen though...

I get up and Ethan groans as I get up but he slaps my butt making me giggle slightly. I brush my teeth and go downstairs but I already know that my aunt it going to be at work so she didn't leave a note this time

Ethan was sitting on the counter while eating a banana and I ate cereal because it was good for my health. I hate breakfast in the morning in but now I need to start eating it again so I can get better.

Then I put the dirty dishes in the sink and I then see Ethan put his arms indicating me to come and hug him, so I do. I go into his arms and smell his scent that I won't ever get tired of. His smile is so different from everyone else...

His arms wrap around me and he doesn't let go until I hear glass shatter. I immediately know who it is because that's what he did the last time.

I know how to fight because I was forced to because of him. I get a knife from the drawer and I hide behind a little corner

"What's happening?" Ethan said hiding under the table

I put my pointer finger on top of my lip and he gets quiet. I hear his footsteps and he stops right next to the wall and knocks on it

"I know your right here Morgan don't hide. You can't hide from your past" I bet he has a smirk on his face

I breath in and I hear him move then I see him on the opposite side looking at me

"Well hello morgan" Adam said

"Adam" I said while looking at his hand to see that he had nothing

"I just wanted to have a nice talk with you but I see that you have your boyfriend here" Adam said motioning his head over to Ethan that was now on the chair

"Wouldn't it be terrible if something happened to him?" Adam said charging himself towards Ethan but Ethan moves out the way and I run towards Adam tackling him down

He grabs the knife and throws it somewhere around the room and then I stand up

"Ethan go upstairs!" I said

He shakes his head no and he runs to Adam and knocks him down. He immediately gets flipped over and Adam is now choking Ethan up against the wall

I grab ahold of Adam and I strangle him. He lets go of Ethan and Ethan falls to the floor weak and breathing in heavily. Adam tries to take my hands off of his neck and he does

The police knocks on the door and then it gets opened and find are pointed to Adam

I look at Adam and he tries to make a run for it but fails when he gets tazed

I gasp and they take him away without a word and I go up to Ethan I hug onto him

"He tried to kill you" I said while grasping onto him even tighter

"I'm fine baby" Ethan said stroking my hair

"I won't leave you" Ethan said

That hurt me for some reason...

I hug onto him then he hugged back but this time it didn't feel right...

Then I hear someone come in and I scream out

I hear a gunshot and a butler hole in Ethan's stomach and I cry out

I grab a hold of him as he falls limp into my arms

"NO!" I scream out crying

I call Grayson and 911 and Grayson comes in first and starts to cry while Alissa cries too

The ambulance soon arrives and Ethan is being taken away from me

I kick and scream to go to him and I hear them do CPR but the loud shocks made me scared and each time they tried his body lurched up

Then the doctor shook his head and I cried out and Grayson let me go

I went up to Ethan and I put my hands on his face and I moved him

"Ethan wake up" I whisper crying

"Please. You told me you won't leave" I cried

I kiss him on the forehead, cheeks.

Lastly I kiss him on the lips to see if I could make him come back alive just like in a fairytale but he didn't

I saw his body there laying lifelessly and I shake him

Grayson comes next to me and hugs his brother for the last time

Grayson cries making me cry even more

Grayson looks at me and hugs me. I hug him back

"Morgan he really liked you" Grayson cried

I nod my head

"I loved being stranded with that boy...." I whisper crying

Stranded || Ethan Dolan |✔️|Where stories live. Discover now