Adventure time

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Waking up early I ate a big breakfast and once again made sure I had enough supplies until my return in a few days.

Satisfied I was well stocked I started my hike to the forest. I purposely left this early as to not meet any villagers. They would only try to persuade me to stay only after calling me a fool.

I felt the cooler temperature before I made it to the edge of the forest. Shrugging on the cape I ventured in. Shadow Forest was a definitely the proper name. It was very dark and what light did shine through cast many shadows about. Some looking down right scary.

Bringing out one of my flashlights (yes I was smart enough to carry several backups) I swept the area in front of me looking for any unwanted visitors. Stepping forward I slowly made my way deeper into the forest. It seemed like several hours since I left my cozy little house but after checking my phone for the time it had only actually been a little over a hour.

I knew the forest was several miles wide and anticipated it would take me nearly all morning maybe even into the afternoon to make it through. I didn't foresee all the backtracking and looking for impossible paths. Having thought in advance I marked my path with red spray paint and in case something happened to those markings I also tied pieces of red ribbon on trees and bushes as I passed by. Surely nothing will happen to both of my markers.

Having come upon the red cross I made on a tree for the second time I got a little worried I might be lost. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and traced back to where I started from. I was sure I knew where I made a wrong turn at now.

Once again on my way I made a left instead of right and sure enough I found myself in another part of the forest. Going a little deeper the little light that was available earlier was all but non existent now. My flash light didn't help much in this black out. Pulling out another one I flashed both lights in front of me so I wouldn't trip on another one of those tree roots that are half buried.

Just a hundred feet later goosebumps popped up on my arms and my senses went on high alert. Twigs snapping and bushes rustling made we want to run but I refrained, remembering that if an animal sensed your fear they would get aggressive. So I walked a little faster and talked myself into believing I was alone and nothing was going to pop out at me. That is until I tripped on one of those dang tree roots.

Occupied with gathering up the bag I dropped and making sure nothing was bleeding I didn't notice I wasn't alone until I saw a very large paw in front of me. Slowly standing up the wolfs head came to chest. Although I was slightly taller he was siting and so I certainly wasn't about to think I could out run or out climb him. He was just looking at me with his head cocked to the side. No movement just staring. Breaking the spell once I took a step backwards he was quickly standing on all four legs. Wow! That sure made him seem so much bigger. Immediately freezing I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to chance moving and him attacking but I also didn't want to stay here and his friends, or I mean pack, join him.

So I did the one thing I was good at, I started talking. "Hey there fellow. I'm not a tasty treat believe me. I eat way to much fried food and drink a lot of caffeine. You would be up for days if you ate me."  He snorted, sounding much like a laugh to me. "It wasn't that funny. I wouldn't make a good meal. I am all bones, not a lot of meat. Plus I'm in a hurry so if you would just please move I will be on my way."

After another minute or two the wolf just turned  around and walked off. Sighing I waited to make sure it was really gone then started on my hike again.

Coming up on lunch time I scouted for an acceptable place to stop for a bite. I found a few big rocks and open areas but they left me too vulnerable so I kept looking. I made out a shape in the distance and quickened my pace a little. Coming closer it looked like a building, but that couldn't be. I was in the middle of the forest. There were no houses in the forest.

Sure enough it was a house, or cabin maybe? I didn't see any lights from the windows or any other signs of occupants so I slowly walked toward the door. When nothing moved or jumped at me I slowly opened the  door. Shining the light inside I saw what looked to be a couch and chair. Walking inside I found a switch by the door and the room flooded with light. Blinking several times because of the bright lights I was amazed at the place.

The furniture was in great shape and it was spotless. No dust or dirt anywhere. It also smelled nice. Like apple pies to be exact.

Dropping my bags near the door I ventured further inside and saw the place was bigger than I originally thought. The big living area opened up into the expansive kitchen and dining room. To the left was a hallway and to the right were several other doors.

Forgoing the tour until later I made my way to the kitchen and found it well stocked. Freezing in place I wondered why it was well stocked. Someone must live here or  be staying here at any rate. Quickly rethinking my plan I backtracked to where I left my gear but found I was too late.

Voices were right outside the door and getting louder. I could hide but I'm sure that would be senseless. Stupidly I had turned on the lights. I'm sure that was not missed as the homeowners walked up to the door. There wasn't any other option but to sit and wait for them to call the cops.

Although I'm sure it would take quite a while for them to reach us I would wait and not run. The voices grew quite for a second then some loud god awful noises and things being knocked over outside.

Something was scratching at the door. Oh no! Did that wolf I saw earlier come and attack those people? Slowly I moved toward the window. Peeking out I didn't see anyone or anything.

I moved to the door and opened it a crack, poking my head outside. Nothing was there. Thinking I better hit the road before those people came back I grabbed my stuff and bolted out the door.

Although I was several hundred feet away from the house I felt like I was being watched. Turning in a circle I could not see anything around me. Back to the plan, making it to Draylist before nightfall.

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