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Waking up I felt stiff and slightly disoriented. My arms and legs felt heavy and my throat was dry. Spying a glass of water on the table I tried sitting up some but it took quite a lot of energy to just scoot by butt up toward the head of the bed.

It was dark in the room but strangely I could still see clearly. I started to reach for the water but it was at my lips before I had a chance to move. Slurping it down I leaned my head back against the wall.

"Do you want more? Are you hungry?" I heard that voice I came to love ask.

"Talan, where were you? Alpha sounded really mad at you before I fell asleep."

"I'm so sorry Tulsi. I should have been able to keep my wolf at bay but he was so strong willed and terrified," he lightly stroked my cheek.

"Why was he terrified?" I asked but that annoying voice spoke up again. Because your a stupid human that doesn't care about any one else!

Tears were starting to form her harsh words. See your weak and to emotional!

"Sweetie why are crying. Are you in pain?" Talan asked worked then yelled for him mom.

"What is it? Is she awake?" She asked hurting into the room.

"She just started crying and won't talk."

"I'm sorry I'm so weak and stupid," I barely whispered trying to get up off the bed.

"Wait, what? Your not stupid and definitely not weak. Why do you think that?" Talan asked trying to get me to stay sitting.

I jerked my hand free and stood up clutching my head, "Stop! Just stop already! I get it you hate me and blame for for everything! Just leave me alone then." I screamed.

"Let me get the alpha and Mrs Julip," Talans mom ran from the room. I don't blame her. It seems I ruin everything.

"Tulsi, please tell me what's going on. Who are you talking to?"

"That annoying voice in my head! She won't leave me alone."

He laughed, "Oh that's your wolf sweetly, shes apart of you now."

I will "I don't want her! She's rude, annoying and mean!"

"Don't ever say you don't want your wolf. You will die without her," Talan tried to ration with me.

"Oh but it's ok for her to say she will kill me!" I yelled just as alpha and Mrs Julip entered the room.

"What? She said that?" Mrs Julip asked shocked.

"Well she didn't say she would kill me exactly," I relied and everyone looked relieved.

"Her exact word were 'I will torture you through your mind until you beg for death then I will take control and leave you a useless human in the background watching me live your life as it should be lived. Weak humans do not deserve the abilities and gifts we wolves possess. You are a worthless, selfish pathetic girl that will die alone and unloved. Th soku and I will never let you live."

Gasps and murmurs filled the room at the word soku. "What is a soku? I assume it's bad by all your reactions."

Talans mom vanished from the room after my statement but returned just as quickly carrying some bags and a cup. I recognized those bags from my stash in the spare room I use for storage.

I was handed a cup and told to drink it all. "What is it? And what is a soku?"

"Please drink it all quickly and I will explain," Mrs Julip looked a little frantic so I downed the nasty tasting concoction amd gave the cup back but was given a another one full of something else. Everyone looked relieved after I drank the first cup I just gulped the second with no questions.

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