Manchester Skies

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Harry's POV

I stare off to the plane window then jot a few lyrics down in my journal. Fuck. I've never been this distracted in writing my own music. Since Zayn left, all the guys and I were left to fend for ourselves. We didn't think it would change much when he left, then it did.

As our tour is coming to the UK, I can finally be home again and visit family. It's been a while since I could last do that. I've been able to visit my immediate family but never my cousins.

"I guess you're off from your writer's block huh?" Liam glances to my journal then back to the magazine he's reading. "Yeah. I'm feeling a little inspired's nice to be back on track." I place my pencil behind my ear, suddenly interested in this.

"Agreed. I've been doing a little bit of that as well. It's a good feeling." He looks away from the magazine and to the plane window. There's a few seconds of silence. I hear Liam ask me something but I'm so concentrated on finding lyrics until I glance at him. "Sorry." I mumble.

"So who's been inspiring you?" He smirks. I shrug. "People. Things. Fruit." I try to be very secretive when I write except when I have other songwriters with me. He chuckles and itches his chin. "Broad. I guess a lot of things are breaking your heart lately.." Well shit.

I laugh with him, even though I didn't understand the purpose of what he said and silence overtakes us again. All I can hear now is Niall heavily breathing from his sleep.

"What happened to Kathryn?" Louis randomly points out. What do I even say? That I've been stalking her for the past few months because I had our old manager be her own? Then she found out, confronted me and all I did was stand there.

Fuck. No.

"Time flies. It really was nothing." I try and give an approving smile but from the look on his face, I don't think he believes me. "Yeah and the UK leaves the EU.." he remarks sarcastically and chuckles. "So what really happened?"

"Time flew by. We don't communicate. Louis it's really nothing." I sigh as Louis shrugs. "Alright man.. I believe you." He raises his hands up in defeat.

I sigh, jotting down a few more ideas into my journal.

Touchdown. Back to Manchester we go. My mom is living there now. I smile at the thought of being home for a few days and hopefully getting the real privacy I've been asking for then back to the reality of it all.

In the car on the way to Manchester, I text my mum, telling her that I'll be home soon. I wish Gemma were here though, but she has holiday and she's off somewhere in Italy having the time of her life. I haven't seen her in a year. "Fuck." I mumble as I look out the rain falling hard outside my car window.


"Shit." I trip over my duffel as I walk up the stairs. How could I trip over something over my shoulder? I can hear my mum laugh. "Your place is nice.." "It's because you gave it to me Harry.." I can hear her smile as she walks over to the kitchen, leaving me alone.

I carry my duffel up the stairs and over my shoulder, rolling it to a vacant room I see. I set my duffel down on the bed, sitting down next to it and breathe in the smell of fragrant clouds and trees. It's like my childhood all over again.

I look around the room, the walls are a subtle gray, minimalist paintings and crown molding. It's as modern as I remember buying. I guess my mum didn't have time to decorate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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