What's Going On?

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Kathryn's POV

It's been exactly a week and today's the day where we sign the contract for my new manager.

I honestly don't think it's a good idea. She doesn't look very trustworthy to me. She seems like a person who would lie. Yes, everyone lies but there's just something about her. I know it's bad to judge someone just by what they look but I have a bad feeling about her.

I get ready and walk downstairs, setting my phone in my back pocket as I smell the breakfast aroma as I get to the bottom of the stairs.

"Kathryn?" asks my mom as she turns to face me, and then she nods.

"Yup. That's me." I walk towards the kitchen seeing eggs, bacon, and pancakes then some OJ in a pitcher.

"Who's all this for?" I ask curiously as I take a piece of bacon on the plate, my tongue slightly getting burned from the bacon. Fuck I love bacon.

"Your manager, Kathryn. So don't touch the food hun. You'll be getting McDonald's.." my mom says as she grabs the plate and takes it with her to the nicely decorated dining table. I nod. Their breakfast menu is amazing.

"Mom, you know that I hate fast food." I start, but my mom gives me a blank look, like I'm lying or something. Of course it's a lie. I love fast food.

Pffft. How could I be lying? I could never do such a thing.

"Kathryn, you got In & Out a few weeks ago.. I'll make you and your father breakfast in a-" and there's the doorbell.

In & Out.. Yup with Harry Styles. Does she know about us going together? No. Not really.

I didn't want her and dad to be angry about us again. I don't really think I need to tell them because Harry and I are only friends. That's it.

My mom freezes and turns to my dad who rushes over to the door, opening it quickly.

There walked in Claire, my future manager.

She gives my parents an assuring nod and a smile then she turned to me, giving me the most fake smile anyone could ever give me. I lean my hand on the kitchen island, looking to the French style clock on the wall.

Excuse you Claire. Doesn't anyone not see this?

"Hello, Claire! We actually made you breakfast this morning.." My mom smiles.

"Oh, wow.. Goodness. Thank you Maura, John." She replies, taking a seat at the dining table and putting down a black folder which is probably filled with official papers and licenses.

Yes. Maura and John are my parents' names.
My mom Maura, everyone says I get my looks and talents from her. Which is so sweet but I think I get my looks and talents from both my mom and dad. She has won a few local beauty pageants and then won Miss. California, being 5'9. She absolutely loves fashion and traveling and met my dad when she was 26 and married at 29 and had me a year later. It's a great love story. Just like a rom-com.

My dad is an athlete. Professional? A tiny bit. He was almost going to be in the Olympics until he had a serious injury and now he's a doctor like what I've been telling you before. Having the injury inspired him to get into the medical field.

Claire grabs the fork and starts eating. She eats carefully, taking a few napkins and sets it down next to her plate. My mom gives me a look and I shake my head, disagreeing about this manager stuff.

When she finally finishes eating, my dad and mom get accordingly seated to the dining seats closest to her and watch as Ms. Claire takes out a stack full of papers from the folder. My eyes widen.

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