Chapter 20 | Final Chapter

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Chapter 20

Today was the day. My high school graduation. I couldn't wait to get my diploma and be done with high school. I wouldn't have to see Peggy every single day anymore and listen to her annoying voice trying to tear me down.

My high school life, especially my senior year, had become really dramatic, especially with one of my closest friends stabbing me in the back, and helping someone I didn't know at all get out of jail.

I really couldn't wait for my high school life to be over. I still was planning on taking half a year off before starting university next January so I could figure out exactly what I wanted to do. I know some people went to university following one career path, only to change it completely. It was normal and there was nothing wrong with it, but I would rather go with a sure sign of what I was doing so I wouldn't have to change.

I was standing with Ronnie, waiting for the ceremony to start. We had to wait outside of the venue since we were all going to be walking in once everyone was sitting in the audience.

Ronnie and I were right beside each, thankfully, since my last name was McIntyre and her last name was Montgomery. There was no one else in between us, so we could actually quietly talk during the ceremony and not be completely bored.

"I can't believe we're almost done high school," Ronnie said. "I can't wait."

"Same here," I said. "It's going to be great being able to sleep in and stay up late whenever I don't have to work. Well, until I go to university, but I probably won't even have my classes until one."

"Yeah, same," Ronnie said. "Unless I have to have a class earlier, but most of mine I'll try having in the afternoon so I won't be too tired during class. So, how is River doing?"

"He's doing good most of the time," I said. "He does go through times where he really misses his family, especially his little brother, but he's still doing good. He's actually going to be finishing high school online because he really does want to get a diploma and maybe go to university if there's something he wants to study."

Ronnie smiled. "That's good. I'm glad he's not letting anything hold him back."

"Yeah, me too," I said. "I'm really happy for him."

"And you're happy you have him," Ronnie said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes, that too," I said. "He's amazing and funny and kind. He's still a jerk for taking my pet duck away from me, but I still like him a lot."

"I can tell," Ronnie said. "You seem a lot happier now that you're dating him."

I smiled softly. "I am."

The ceremony soon started, so all of us graduates had to walk in the line we were already in to the auditorium. We sat down in our designated chairs and the graduation ceremony officially began.

While the principal was talking, I scanned the audience for my family and River, and when I saw them, my parents waved. River, on the other hand, just gave me a thin smile.

A few people talked at the beginning before the receiving of the diplomas started. It took a while for it to be my turn but when it finally was, I heard my parents cheer loudly as I walked across the stage. They were so embarrassing at times but I definitely loved them.

Near the end of the ceremony, it was my turn to give my speech. The speech was already on the shelf of the podium so I didn't have to carry it with me. While I was heading to the podium, the people in the audience applauded. My heart was beating a bit fast as I grabbed the speech and placed it on the top of the podium.

I didn't know why I was so nervous. I was used to being in front of so many people since I used to be a cheerleader, the head cheerleader in fact, but I guessed that was different than giving a speech.

I took a deep breath and looked at River before I began. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up, which helped me calm my nerves a bit.

I started my speech, which I had practiced so many times. I was surprised River was able to stay awake during it since he has heard it probably a dozen times since I always practiced with him listening so he could give his input.

He still paid attention to it.

He really was the best boyfriend ever.

When I finished the speech, everyone applauded and I headed back to my seat. The principal said a few more words before telling all of us to stand up, then finally announcing us as graduates.

Everyone threw their caps in the air, and I paid close attention to mine before catching it.

"We did it!" Ronnie said, pulling me into a hug. "We no longer have to deal with school!"

"We still have our exams," I pointed out.

"Don't ruin the moment."

I rolled my eyes and picked up my diploma from my seat before we went backstage to hand in our graduation gowns and sashes, while we kept our caps.

We then had to meet our family outside of the building so it wouldn't be too crowded in the auditorium. Ronnie went over to her family, and I went over to mine. Mom and Dad immediately pulled me into a hug.

"Congratulations, Arden," Mom said. "And your speech was amazing."

"Thank you," I said. "I was a bit nervous, but I'm glad I did good."

"You definitely did," Dad said.

When they pulled away, River then pulled me into a hug. "Congratulations," he said. "I'm really proud of you."

"Thank you," I said. "It wasn't weird for you since you couldn't go to yours?"

River shook his head. "No, not really. It's overrated anyway. If anyone didn't show up, they would have just been sent their diploma."

"Thanks for making it feel even more special," I said sarcastically.

"I'm kidding," River said. "It really didn't bother me watching it. It was your moment, after all. And you looked really beautiful up there."

I smiled at him. "Thank you."

"Well," Dad said, "I say we got out to celebrate all of your accomplishments, Arden. Graduating, being valedictorian, helping River out when no one else would believe you."

"Yeah, I would still be in prison if it weren't for you," River said. "And the guy who killed my family would still be getting away with it. You are an amazing person and I'm really glad I met you."

"I'm glad I met you too," I said.


I almost forgot to update this oops. cx

So yeah, that was the final chapter and there might be a sequel sometime in the future, but I will be writing another book on Radish first before I get to it.

Thanks for reading this very short book! :D

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