To Arendelle

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Elsa's POV

     I woke up on Jack's arm and we are... flying!?. I gasped. "Jack! What are you doing?! Put me down!" I yelled at him . He looked at me. he gulped at the first time and then smiled.

    "We're already up in the sky so I shouldn't put you down" He playfully smirked. Then he looked at the back, I looked at the back as well and saw Hiccup , Merida and Rapunzel riding on Toothless.

     "Where are they going? And where are we going?"  I raised an eyebrow at him while pouting. He got something out of his pocket, a snowglobe. He whispered "Arendelle" and then threw it in the air. Then it became a portal. He gestured Hiccup to go inside then they went in. The portal disappeared,  we still didn't get inside. I looked at him.

      "They're going to Arendelle?" I asked him. He sighed and nodded. "How about us?"

     "Well, we're going there too" He smiled gently.

     "Then why didn't we get inside the portal?" I raised an eyebrow at him again.

    "So that we'll get there longer" I looked at Jack with a huh?-look. "Because I want to be with you " he smiled. "...ALONE".  I blushed a bit when he said the alone word.

    "A- anyway, why are going back to Arendelle?"  I asked him while blushing. He raised an eyebrow at me.

     "You didn't missed your sister Anna?" .

     "Of course I do! but it's just so sudden. You didnt even told me that we're going there" I pouted. "And why-" He cut me off by kissing my lips. My eyes went wide but closed it then touched his cheeks.

     "Just wait , okay?" I nodded. We flew until we reached Arendelle. He put me down in front of the castle. I saw Anna, looked like she's waiting for someone. Then she saw me and rushed to me.

      "Elsa!!" she said with a big smile. Wait, she's waiting for me? Jack passed the two of us and went inside the castle. I was about to call out for him but Anna immediately pulled me with her to the garden. It was summer, so when we got to the garden, she insisted me to make it snow. I couldn't resist. I wanted to use my wand to make it snow but I left it in Jack's dorm so I waved my hand , made a snowball and raised it up then it bursted to snow. Anna played like a child and I played with her as well. We kept playing until Anna's smile took my attention

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