CH 1

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The sky was so blue as the sun faded down into the horizon, no cloud in sight, birds floating within the gentle breeze. You could hear the birds talking to one another as well as the gentle hum of the occasional car engine from the road behind. The smell of salt lingering in the air getting stronger with every gust of wind.

The waves lapping gently at the edge of rocks. The cliff so high the rocks below looked non existent, it was as though I was flying. Toes curling over the edge of the cliff face, suddenly dark clouds surrounded.

The sound of birds talking turned into screams of terror the car engine turned to thunder crackling. The sweet salt turned into a burning sensation my nose felt like fire. The gentle waves suddenly clawing at the rock breaking them in half.

An unexpected blast of wind hit me, I felt the ground beneath my toes crumble. I could feel my self falling down the sensation of flying left me I was being dragged down.

My vision blurred as my body slammed against the rocks, I could see a dark figure running towards me. "Calla talk to me" "Calla can you hear me"? "Calla" "Calla...".

My eyes flutter open as I free a small pressure on my chest. "Calla are you ok, you fell off your bed" Jonny my little brother said.

He climbed off my chest and ran out of my room. The smell of pancakes wafted into my room. I rolled onto my stomach crawling over to the foot of my bed, I grasp the the wooden ledge at the end of my queen bed. I pull myself up plopping onto the bed.

Slipping my feet into my fluffy black slippers I trudge to the kitchen. Sitting on the bar stool in front of the island bench I see my mum flipping golden pancakes perfectly, placing them onto the white platter beside the stove.

"Morning Mum" I say tiredly "Morning Darling heard you fall out of bed this morning" she says with a giggle in her talk. "ha-ha very funny John came to my rescue" I say back with a sarcastic tinge.

I grab a plate of golden pancakes with a few pieces of strawberries and bananas, drizzling golden syrup over them. I cut a piece of pancake, popping it in my mouth, they melt in my mouth making me sigh in joy.

Finishing off, I place my plate in the sink and let the cool water run over it. Getting distracted I leave the water running entranced by the way it moves. Suddenly my mum yells "Calla turn the flipping water off we in the middle of a drought".

"Sorry Mum, I got distracted" I say while flipping of the running water. I walk back to my room watching the white marble floor change to a tanned carpet. Reaching my room I hold the brass handle twisting it hearing the lock click open I push the large wooden door and entered my room.

The carpet shuffling under my feet. I twist and flop on to the bed, wiping the sleep out of my eyes I sit back up looking at the clock on my wooden bedside table. 7:30 it stated "shit" I whisper so no one hears.

"I'm going to be so late" I say. I strip off my black wool pants and loose black skirt throwing them in the laundry basket. Stepping into my shower I turn the warm water on letting it run over my body.

I squeeze the bottle of shampoo onto my hand and run it through my hair washing out all the grim from the day before. I massage the conditioner into my hair and leave it. I start to shave my legs and do all my other things like washing my face and body.

I wash the conditioner out of my hair and turn off the water ringing my hair out I step out of the shower and grab my towel drying myself off and wrapping it around my body. I open the draw next to the sink and take out my hair dryer.

Plugging it in I start to dry my hair. I place it into a messy bun on my head and pull out a few strands on the sides. I open my makeup draw and start doing my makeup with only a light coverage and a small amount of nude lipstick.

Taking off my towel and hanging it up I walk into my closet and put on my undies and bra spray deodorant and waiting for it to dry while I choose my clothes. I grab a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt which I pair which a grey slip hoodie.

I pick my Grey vans from my floor and a pair of white ankle socks. I get dressed and spray Calvin Klein perfume on me. I pack my bag and head down stairs. Taking to steps at a time I grab my lunch and put it in my bag.

I run back to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I unplug my phone from the charger checking all my notifications. * MADDY <3<3- I'm coming now. * "oh god" I say

"that was sent fifteen minutes ago".

I ran picked my backpack grabbed my keys and ran out the front door. Locking it behind me I yell to mum I love her and run to the waiting Maddy.

I open the door to the silver car and hopped in the front seat. "Hey Maddy sorry im late I woke up so late" I say to her. She looks at me with a glare and says "I have been waiting for 10 minutes".

"I know and I'm sorry but you still love me" I say giving her puppy eyes. "Ugh I know" she says back to me. She starts the engine and we head to school. She pulls up in the school parking lot and we hop out of the car.

She locks the car and we start walking towards the front doors. We hear a few cat calls and we flip the guys off. We push open the cold glass doors and walk down the corridor. 

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