chapter 3

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Maddison Lennox <<
My head hurt and everything was foggy when i opened my eyes. He injected Energon in me...i should be am i not?

Optimus prime <<A few minutes before>>
Ratchet pulled up not to long after i commed him. His eyes were narrowed when his holoform jumped out.
"Megatron fled, how is she?" He bent down towards the girl.
"I cant tell." I replied. He jogged to to the back of his Alt mode. He grabbed the scanner, came back and scanned her.
"Thats impossible." His eyes widened and he re scanned her.
"What? Whats wrong?" I asked.
"Theres... there is a trace of Energon flowing through her veins." He spoke shocked.
"We have to take her back to" i nodded and picked up her limp form. She was really light. I opened my door and gently set her in the front passenger seat. I activated my holoform in the driver seat in case she woke up.

Maddison Lennox <<present time>>

I shook my head to clear the grogginess but it didnt really work. I groaned as my hand flew to my head. I bounced on whatever i was sitting on. I looked to my right. A truck cab, we were moving. I looked to the left and saw a man with black hair, and bright blue eyes. He had a deep blue shirt on with jeans and cowboy boots. He looked over at me.
"Oh thank primus, your awake" he spoke softly. His voice was baritone deep but beautiful and affectionate.
"Who are you?" I asked sitting up slowly.
"My name is Optimus Prime, more will be explained when we get back to base"
"Im in the military, the base is where i stay." he explained.  I nodded and we sat in silence for a little while. My insides killing me.
"The Energon should have killed me" i whispered to myself. "I shouldn't be alive, im a human, when Energon hits a blood line it starts to kill you...unless...maybe it hasn't hit my heart yet" i thought out loud.
"How do you know about Energon?" I jumped and reached behind me for my sword but a hand caught my wrist.  "Sorry didn't mean to cause a fright, i just heard you thinking out loud and i had a question." I nodded as he let go of my hand. I slowly moved my hand back to my lap, still very cautious, until I saw the symbol on the steering wheel.

"Autobot..." she mumbled the semi familiar word that changed her whole attitude. "You're an autobot?" I looked at him and he glanced to me with narrowed eyes

" do you know what the two factions are?" He asked and I sighed.

"I won't tell you anything until I know more about you guys." I said closing my mouth and forming my lips into a straight line, looking out the window. I heard a short sigh.

"Alright, All is understood" he said to me and I glanced at him with a bored look.

"So I'm guessing you're the 'formal' one?" I scoffed and he looked to me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I do not believe I would consider myself 'formal' just more...polite than the rest" he gave me a crooked smile and I couldn't help but give a small one back. He seemed to notice it and his face lit up, just a bit, as if he was proud.

The whole way to this so called 'base' the atmosphere was kind of tense but it was also very relaxing not having to talk for once. But my mind was laced with so many question. My real father works in the military, that's why I was put into the adoption agency. Maybe I'll get to meet him. Will I get to meet my mom? What about if I have any siblings? It'd be a change of the way my life adoptive parents, they were murdered and all I have is me, myself, and I...maybe, just maybe I can have something more in my life for once than just hunting for all the people who've ever hurt me. I felt my chest tighten with anticipation and sadness. What if they don't want me? What if they forgot about me? What if they hate me? What if I'm not what they wanted me to be? What if-

"We are merely 5 minutes away miss..." he paused, waiting for me to state my name.

"Lennox, Maddison Lennox." I stated bluntly, my voice not showing any of the pain I was in actually stating my own last name. I looked over at him and he nodded, and it went back to quiet.

I laid my head back on his seat and sighed. I closed my eyes but didn't sleep. I felt the terrible thoughts start to creep into my head, and I opened my eyes and kept my head back. My eyes stared out the window as it started to rain. The irony, why, when I'm sad, does it rain? I felt a few tears fill my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall. The reason? I had the chance to end all this pain, and I didn't. I had an opportunity to finally leave this life and yet I'm still here. My eyes closed as one of the tears slowly escaped my eye. I held the rest back but Optimus must've caught sight of that one singular one because he spoke up, "Miss. Lennox? Are you crying?" I gave a small smile at the window, knowing he probably couldn't see it.

"Please, just Maddison, or Maddie, and no, I just had an eyelash in my eye so it made my eye water." I lied smoothly as I looked over to him with a plastered on reassuring smile. He seemed to believe me and nodded just as he pulled to a stop. I looked back out the window and noticed we were at a large building. My eyes widened in the slightest at the height and length of it, it was huge! It made me wonder just how big this group of robots known as the autobots actually is.

He opened the door for me and I stepped out slowly. The small sign on the building stated the letters N.E.S.T.

I heard metal shifting and hydraulics hissed so i hurriedly turned around and laid eyes upon a huge red and blue robot, taking place of the peterbuilt I was once in. I couldn't help but give a small smile at the sight. He put two fingers to his head and his bright glowing blue optics dimmed a bit and I figured he was talking to someone. I turned back around and looked around.

The area was very secluded. To my left we're several smaller buildings that looked to be like storage. To close right there was several military vehicles and to the far left there looked to be security stations. I turned around and looked at what was behind me. It was an area where jets or helicopters could take off or land. I was astonished. I looked back to the large building when I heard voices and large doors shut. I saw two men had walked through the main doors. One was a darker skinned male while the other was a light but tan skinned male. They were approaching us.

When they stopped in front of us, the darker male smiled first and said his name, "Robert Epps"

"And I'm William Lennox" the other one said and i felt my blood run cold.

"W-what did you say?" I stepped back a step, and they noticed and tensed up.

"Um, my name? It's William Lennox" I looked to Optimus and back to Will, or better father. My world was at a stand still. "Why?" I shook my head and in an instant a lie formed and slipped through my lips.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you said something else and I was worried, anyway, it's nice to meet you William and Robert, my name is" I stopped and looked at my father. "Maddison Stewart" I said my adoptive parents last name and felt a sharp pain run through my heart as I looked down. First lying to my father and second using the name of the only people who ever helped and loved me. I looked back up and made eye contact with my father for a moment before quickly directing my attention to something else.

Several shiny vehicles were pulling in and I couldn't help but stare. I noticed the same autobot simple on all of them and my body visibly eased. I looked to Optimus. "Teammates?" He looked down to me and nodded. They all drove right past me but I recognized the last two. The black and yellow Camaro and the neon yellow/green search and rescue hummer from the night of the attack. I took a step forward. "Optimus, those two passed me when I was getting attacked by...Megatron." I said and suddenly the atmosphere changed

"You were WHAT?!" Epps and William yelled


Hey guys, so I haven't updated in quite a while but one person


Commented and asked me to update and to be honest I forgot this story even existed until 2 hours ago *facepalm* the only real reason why is just that I didn't think it was that good and I didn't know if I should've updated it or not, but here is an update and I am going to try to update again tomorrow and then for the ones who read before I fall, I'm going to try and update that tomorrow morning, since the chapter is already in progress!

I hope you all are doing good and I'm here for anyone if you need anything


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