Chapter 2

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Jess pov:
I got all of my costumes ready (BC that would be dope if she brought costumes). I got my Ayono Aishi, Miku Hatsune, and Gumi costumes. (Pics at top) I was so excited. I know this will be...ahem... ROOOOSSSSUUUUMMM.
Im sorry. Lol jk. Anyway we got to vidcon and I saw them andbthey saw me. I saw Sky... my crush when we were kids. I brought along Kawaii~chan, Kaytlen, Garroth, Laurance, Aaron, Travis, and Zane. I was in my Ayano costume and got in a crowd of people that surrounded the Skyarmy. They were on a stage until I heard Ross's goofy voice ha-ha I missed my brother.
Ross pov:
OK guys I know Jess is here so lets scream um JESS IS ROSSUM! i could hear people yelling it over and over but no answer. So I yelled LOUDER.
Jess pov:
I could hear people yelling for me to come on stage and so I decided to go up. As I walked up Garroth took my arm and said "why are you going up? Thats not even you." I just let my arm have freedom and walked up. I got up and used my magiks (yes she will has magiks in dis story) to change into my normal form. Everyone was cheering but I can see the Mystreet gang (but Kaytlen and kawaoi~Chan, you'll see why) shocked and confused. I just shrugged it off and went to hug everyone. I walked up to Sky and gave a small kiss on his cheek. I could hear people yelling "SKYMAU." We both blushed and I turned into my Ayano form and nodded at Shelby and Ross. Ross turned into Midori (HAHA WHY DOE LOL IM SORRY) and Shelby turned into Osana. Im ready.

I will continue this next chapter.
BTW sorry it was short.😋

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