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Later that night Kate and Dale sat in the kitchen as Kate played with her hand upon his looking kind of sad. This draw Dale's attention immediately. Well, he's allowed to know everything that's going on in her mind, since she gave him that authority. Her barriers has broken dowb completely.

"Is everything alright?" Dale asked catching her eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." She replied faking a smile, but it quickly flew away the moment she saw that Dale didn't believe her. She began to cry as Dale stood up from the table and walk to her that also stood up. His body protects her like a layer of skin. Dying in his embrace is all she wants now. "How can't you hate me after what happened to me?"

"Because you didn't ask for it." He comfort and let her look at him. "Kate, you are so much stronger than you think. It's time you fight back those nightmares and change it to the way you would've wanted to end it. Its the only way you'll be able to get rid of those bad memories. Don't let this change you, okay?"

"Okay." She nods her head up and down. She look down hopelessly then back up at him trying to possess a fake smile. "You can sleep in my room tonight if you'll be able to control my horrible moments."

"I'll be there. And if you dream that just imagine me coming in to save you." Dale said as they walk into the hallway with her arm around his waist and his around her shoulder.

"Haha who are you? Prince Charming?" She joked as they enter her room letting go of each other.

"If you say so." Dale joked back. He climb in the bed waiting for her to pack the pillows. Turns out she mentally rolled her eyes before climbing in the bed. They're grownups. They can decide for themselves now.

The night is long and dark, but not cold. Dale woke up when he heard a little moan coming from Kate. He look at her then at his time. She didn't have a nightmare yet. He put his hands on her chest. Her heart is beating very fast. Maybe she's having a nightmare. She must be taking it calmer now. He put his arms around. He can feel her body shake. Kate open his eyes breathing hard. She look at Dale and smile softly. She cuddle up in his embrace and head back to sleep.

The next morning started off with something new. Kate was in the kitchen on the phone with the children while baking eggs. It's just the usual conversation while waiting for Dake to return from the shops anytime now.

"Well I'd like to have a talk with you two when you get back." Kate said over the phone taking a cup out of the cabinet. "Oh you two are the worst. Bye. Love you."

She take the phone away from her ear and hung it up. With the kettle boiling she started to put sugar into her cup hearing a little sound somewhere inside the house. Suddenly she no longer felt save or alone. She look at the corridor hoping it's only her imagination playing trick on her. She grab her phone that was laying on the counter going to Dale's name to send him a message.

Dale, please come home. I don't think I'm alone. Quickly!!!

She lock the phone again hoping he'll get the message as soon as possible. Getting a little view of her room she thought she must've seen a shadow moving in the light thrown by the light from the room into the half dark hall. Her heart starts racing in different rhythms seeing her phone vibrating.

"Hello?" She answered with a snap.

"Hey. Kate, get out of the house." Dale commanded. Sounds like he's on the road in a hurry. "I'm coming."

Kate froze for a moment then does what he says by walking out of the house. She run up to him as soon as he stopped outside. He glance up to the window seeing someone moving away from it.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so scared." She whispered in his embrace. They're both flooded with many questions. What would've happened if he didn't show up in time? Who was it? Was it her imagination?

"The police is on their way." He whispered and kiss her head looking back up at the window as the police vans pulled up next to them.

After a while Kate and Dale stood arm in arm outside waiting for news. They're anxious and afraid. It's normal. What if Dale won't be able to protect her?

"There's no one in the house, but there's evidence that someone was there and might have escaped out of the window." The investigator said worried. "We found words sprayed in red on your bedroom wall."

"What did it say?" Dale asked looking at Kate that looked scared.

"I'm back." Was the reply.

"He's unto me. He wants me." Kate said looking around nervously. Her whole body is shaking.

"He's not going to get you, Kate." Dale said trying to calm her by grabbing her shoulders looking in her eyes. His look is so assuring, but weaker than her fear.

"Officer, we found these few objects that we believe he might have left behind as a signal." They heard. They look at the cop that showed them a plastic bag and in it was the evidence. It was a red piece of material. It's soft and shiny.

Kate give it a terrifying look and scream trying to run away like in her nightmares. Dale grab her around her body taking his hold tight around her like she was some sort of wild animal. The police came running out expecting something horrible to happen but the Dale show them to continue their investigation.

"Why did she scream?" The cop asked a little shocked.

"Long story." Dale said trying to calm Kate that was still trying to fight him off. It's like she's not in her body. She's there but it's not her. That moment she broke out of Dale's embrace and ran away in the road. She's so unconscious about her surroundings that she didn't even notice the red car speeding up down the road. It's too late to stop. She's too late.

"Kate!" Dale shout tterrified and run to her that layed there to the ground useless like a dead body.

Or was she dead?

The innocent ex-wife Book 1Where stories live. Discover now