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Kate walk on her own two feet being lead by Dale to their room. He smile and open her eyes as she take a deep gasp looking at the beautiful room. She got tears in her eyes when she saw the painting of the two human hearts is on the wall where the stood.

She pull in her lips and turn around looking at Dale.

"Can we begin over? I love you, Kate and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know it's too early but...I want to." he said taking her hands. She give a smile about the cry. He look down then back at her. "We can be a family again. I want to tell you every morning I love you. I want to be able to hold you in my arms and kiss you. I want to be able to say you're my wife."

He look at her again as she give him a smile.

"I haven't prepare for this speech at all. I just want you to know I love you. I want to say it out of my heart. I want you to feel free to call me on my name. I want to hold you tight every night. I want you all to myself. Can you forgive me and love me the way I love you?" he ask raising an eyebrow.

She nod her head crying. He pull her in for a hug. She hug him back and look the painting. They look at each other again and laugh softly.

"I love you." she says touching his face.

"I love you." He smile and place his lips on hers. He put his hands on hers and fiddle around with it.

She raise an eyebrow breaking away from him to look at her left hand. It was an engagement ring. Her mouth open wide. She look speechless at him. He give a smile and nod slowly. She kiss him one more time before throwing her arms around him. They look out the doorway at Kyle and Kayla that stood there with a camera.

Kate and Dale both laugh at them disappearing in each other's embracement.

Both happy and grateful. The future needs them like it needs everyone.

Death isn't always a way. Never give up on yourself because someone might just surprise you when you feel like no one. Allow people to step into your life. Even if it's people from your past. Never regret where you are today. The future depends on us. We need to do the right things and accept people for what they're hiding behind their masks.

Everything won't always be cupcakes and unicorns but rather spend your life thinking it is than to run around doing the opposite.

Remember, any facial emotion has an impact on other people. Your smile might just change someone else's.

Kate put down her pen and take the piece of paper putting it in an envelope. She smile and look at Kayla that gave her a smile.

"You ready?" she asked standing in a nice short white dress and done up hair. Kate smile and stood up as Kayla give her a big smile. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, live. So do you." Kate smile at her.

"Come on. Don't make everyone wait." kayla giggled pulling her mother's arm. Kate laugh and look at Kayla that opened the door. They both walk down with everyone waiting and Dale giving her that lovely smile. He pull his lips in and quickly dry up a rolling tear.

Forgive and forget. Keep on trying. Believe in yourself as well as others. Don't let anyone distroy the person in you. ALWAYS BE YOURSELF.

"Kate, do you take Dale to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and through health, through richest and through poorest, till death do you apart?" the priest asked. Kate give Dale a big smile. The proud look on his face is visible. Suddenly it feels like she will never loose him through lust again. He has learned his lesson.

"Yes, I do." she smiles nodding her head.

"Dale, do you take Kate to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and through health, through richest and through poorest, till death do you apart?" the priest asked Dale.

"Of course I do." he chuckles. Giggles travel the room. They look at the priest that's give him a smile. "Can I kiss her now?"

"Yes." the priest reply.

Kate laugh at his silliness. He smile upon hearing her beautiful laugh placing his lips on hers.

She might not know the truth behind their past, but he'll make sure she knows in the future. For now, they'll both just focus on the present together. No more innocent ex-wife.

The innocent ex-wife Book 1Where stories live. Discover now