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Dedicated to @Esperanza9731 for the motivation! Thank you lovly <3

Lily's POV

I exit the shower, steam rolling out of the curtains. The mirror is foggy which is good so I don't have a chance to look at the horrible sight in front of me. Every time I catch a look at myself I get upset. I hate how ugly I look. My eyes, way to big for my face, unfull lips, and crooked nose. My hair is only the pretty thing about myself.

I get dressed in the clothes Drew provided me with and headed to the kitchen. Drew stood there facing the oven, shirtless and Nike sweatpants. He turned around to my presence, and looked me up and down, checking me out. He provided me with a pair of his shorts, after arguing that I refused to wear a pair of his 'boxys' and a t shirt of his. I also have no bra on because I refuse to sleep in bras, but hey no problem here. Itty Bitty Titty Committee is what my friends would say back at home. My hair is even unbrushed.

I awkwardly fidget with my fingers and glance around the room avoiding eye contact. "Uh-the brownies" I say clearing my throat. His dark olive skin is distracting, especially when he's shirtless.

I've never had any boy or man check me out. Especially not so, intimidating as he did and continues to do. He looks at me like, I'm something I can't even admit.

He looks at me like I'm pretty.

And for a minute while he's checking me out, making me fidget, I actually feel pretty. For once in my entire life. Even when I was back at home, I never really thought I was pretty. My mom would always tell me different, that one day there will be a guy who truly sees my beauty, but it's never really happened. I was outgoing, believe it or not, and tons of people talked to me but I never really felt pretty then. Always boring or normal.

"I burnt them" he says dryly, licking his lips.

Now I know you're probably thinking, 'Girl, he kidnapped you, why are you not freaking?' Well Drew is extremely attractive, and when I say that I mean it in the most serious way possible. He's serious, attractive, and he has this vibe that makes me want to find out more shit about him. I know it's horrible. But to be honest, I never really had a life before either so what's the point in actually fighting with him and drawing attention to myself?

I might as well play it out and make a run for it when he's least expecting it.

"I like them burnt." I say walking over to the island to sit, not taking another look at his lips.

"Well there's another one I've never heard Cupcake" he says smirking.

What is he talking about?

"What?" I asked confused. He leans on the other side of the counter, propping his elbows up.

"First, if I remember correctly, you called me Dickweed. And secondly, who likes burnt brownies?" He says, now setting a plate of brownies in front of me. Even though they're burnt they still look appetizing to me and taste better.

"Ah. That's right, Dickweed. I remember." I say, taking a bite out of my brownie, which is really freaking good by the way. "Oh my goodness, what are these made out of? I think I just took a bite out of heaven." I almost moan that's how good these brownies are.

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