Deadly Beauty (Book 1 of my DBZ trilogy)

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Kani's P.O.V

I stormed down the halls of Frieza's base towards the training room. I was so mad right now I could kill someone! And that someone is who I was looking for, he stood me up again. Again! And this time he was going to pay for it! He made me so mad sometimes I just wanted to throw a flame spear through his throat and end our relationship, but I knew I wouldn't, I loved him too much to hurt him. I loved his cocky grin and his obsidian eyes. I loved his snow white hair and his reddish orange skin. I loved the way his arms curled around me and made me feel safe and protected. Damn him for being so perfect! I burst into the training room, the doors crashing against the walls with a resounding "Bang!" startling all those inside. I ignored the snickers and stares I recieved as I strode towards my boyfriend with a death glare on my face.

Jeice's P.O.V

When I heard the door crash open my first thought was. "Oh shit I forgot about Kani!" I felt a chill run up my spine when she walked towards me with a look on her face that said "You're dead!" Though I was scared stiff by this pint-sized saiyan I couldn't (like every other person in the room) help admiring her body as she moved. She had obviously been training while she waited for me because her clothes were drenched in sweat and were sticking to her body like a blue layer of skin accentuating her curves perfectly. She came to a stop in front of me. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She screamed loudly at me. "I forgot." I defended weakly. "You forgot? AGAIN?! That's the fifth time in a row!" Her voice rang through the room, giving everyone a mouthful to gossip on for a while. "Why can't you just remember for once?! I know your training is your life, but is it more important than me?" I stood there kind of stunned that she would think such a thing. She waited for a little bit then a hurt look washed over her face, without a word she turned and left leaving me standing there in a daze.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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