Chapter 2

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The thing drifted into the woods, following the scent of fear and blood. It's gaping eye sockets bore into the ground with eyeless sight. The elder being could hear the beast's panting and labored breathing. Jeff trudged along side the tall man, kicking wet leaves and scattering branches. The tall monster left no sound and no footprints, floating above the ground. A screech sounded, a warning noise. The beast had given up running and turned to fight. It was weakened by the hole the knife left, loosing blood. It's sight began to blur, it's mind filling with static. It stumbled and fell on it's side as the pain became unbearable. It whimpered and curled up as long, muscled arms picked up it's pained form. It fell asleep in it's arms, lulled into unconsciousness' grasp by pain and fatigue.

The slender being looked at Jeff, walking into the flickering moonlight, kneeling in front of Jett. In his arms lay an ungodly beautiful man. Red locks lay in unruly tangles down his back from obvious neglect. His hair was matted with blood and a number of other foreign substances, making it appear dark brown. Jeff brushed the boy's hair from his face, revealing high cheekbones and a long gaunt face. He looked delicate but both beings knew that was far from the truth. His spine was bent at an odd angle from almost never standing up. His skin was another oddity. Sun darkened skin dotted with light pale freckles, making him appear as sun through darkened tree leaves. His cheeks had been torn in jagged ripped skin. He shifted in Slenderman's arms, eyebrows furrowing. He let out a soft whimper. Jeff backed up.

"Slender, we're in Lord Zalgo's Territory. We chased him to the dead forest, we need to go before Lord Zalgo claims the kid as his own."

The being hummed softly and stood up, walking across the border into the greening moss. They walked to a large victorian castle, Jeff opening the door. A short boy looked up, hat tilted on his blond hair. He paused what he was doing and sat up sharply.

"Slend, you're bringing in trash. Who is that?"

He hopped up and floated over, looking at the kid. He whistled lowly.

"His face looks almost as fucked up as Jeff's."

The subject of the taunt let out a low growl and shoved Ben, pointing the steel blade of the knife at his hat.

"Would you like to wake up without eyebrows, fairy?"

Ben took the hint and floated up to the top floor trough the ceiling and leaving a mark of green coding lines, scaring the shit out of a blue masked boy picking meat off of a bone. He told everyone about the new arrival, causing them to drop what they were doing and flood into one room. Slender kneeled by the couch, sleeves rolled up. The boy's shirt had been cut off and thrown out. The skin around the cut had been cleaned and was being stitched up. Slender instructed seedeater to sit on the boy's chest in case he woke up and freaked out. It was a good idea too. When the curved needle first punctured the boy's spotted skin, his eyes shot open and he began to struggle. Seedeater laid down on top of the boy and forced him down. He snapped at the beast as Slender finished stitching and bandaging the wound. Seedeater jumped off the boy, the child sitting up. He vaulted over the couch and ran to the door before turning and darting up the stairs. He acted like a frightened dog. He hid in one of the rooms that sat with the door open. Slender instructed Ben to close the door and let the boy calm down.

In the morning, the tall being opened the door and slipped in silently. He looked around, trying to locate the terrified pup. He crouched to look under the bed as a feral hiss sounded. The entire room smelled like fear and blood. He reached under the bed and wrapped his fingers around the boy's leg, pulling him out. He scrabbled and struggled until he curled in on himself and struck out, biting hard into the man's upper arm. Slender snarled and pried his teeth out of his arm. He wrapped a tentacle around his jaw, forcing them open. The boy didn't have enough strength to clamp down and bite. He writhed and struggled until he wore himself out and finally submitted. After making sure the boy wouldn't attack, he carried him downstairs, cradled in his arms and his tentacle wrapped around his jaws. He stared up at the man, eyes wide in fear. He whimpered softly until the being started to pet his hair. The small boy shifted from fear into lazy contentment. He purred softly, relaxing in his arms. He called out to several of the residents to start a bath and to bring in the first aid kit. As long as the boy was calm, everything would be okay.

He brought the kid down to the kitchen and slowly removed the tentacle acting as a muzzle. The kid closed his mouth and purred. He quickly cooked something for the boy and gave it to him. Strangely, the child refused. He turned away from the meal and stared up at the man. He sighed softly and figured he could find out what the child ate as Sally had told him the bath was ready. He carried the boy up to the bathroom and that was the first mistake. As soon as the boy saw the water, he freaked out, clawing away from the tall being. He was caught off guard, the boy's unruly claws scratching four long marks across his face. He writhed out of his arms and shot down the hall, hiding again. Slenderman sunk to the ground and put his head in his hands in frustration.

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