Chapter 3

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Jeff lifted his legs as the pup-like male ran into his room and slid under his bed. He stayed on his bed, stunned. The book he was reading lay abandoned next to him. He climbed carefully off of the bed and laid down, lifting his sheet to look under. Two sea-foam eyes stared at him, the yellow ring on his pupil standing out against the blue and green. A low growl sounded from under the oak frame. He knew the pup was scared, not hostile. He closed the door with his foot, cooing softly to him. He knew the pup would be calmed if many people didn't come in. He turned on his music, turning on a softer song. A song Sally made him buy. How Far I'll Go in Minor key. He put it on replay, laying down and cooing to the pup. He could tell he was calming down. He reached under him slowly, trying not to frighten him. He jerked to stare at his hand, backing away. He pulled his hand away, whispering softly. The pup bared his teeth, but stayed silent. He watched Jeff suspiciously.

Hours passed until Slenderman gently knocked on the door. He looked up, whispering. "Come in." The tall man walked in, his eye sockets widening, the skin on his forehead crinkling slightly. 

"You've made a friend.." The pup was laying in Jeff's lap sound asleep. Jeff was running his fingers through the boy's hair. He nodded.

"He was scared so I turned on one of the songs Sally made me download and talked to him. He came out and laid he head on my lap so I put him on the bed and he fell asleep on me."

Slenderman smiled down at the pup, humming. "Do you think you can get his information when he wakes up? I'd like to at least know his name. And get him a bath." The boy's ears twitched softly at the word, Jeff nodding.

"Of course." He stood up, setting the boy carefully on the bed. He ran a bath and came back to find the pup still asleep, curled up contently on the bed He crouched and pet him, letting the pup's eyes open. He jumped and pushed away, staring until he recognized the face and crawled back over, curling up. Jeff dug his fingers into the back of his neck, feeling the child go limp in his grip. The boy was light for his size, Jeff's other arms tucked under his lower back, carrying him like a kitten. He began to panic as he saw the bath, but couldn't do anything because of the commanding grip in the back of his neck. Jeff's oddly soft voice lulled him into comfort and allowed Jeff to lower him into the tub. The pup whimpered as Jeff began to question him.

((Ahh, it's short im sorry))

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