Chapter 20

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Austins p.o.v 

      I woke up to the soft whimpers of Cara coming from down the hall. I got up from the comfort of my- well, actually Alans bed. Yes, I sleep with Alan- but not like that. Me and Alan share a bed okay! 

I walked down tha dark hallway as the cries got louder, I soon saw Cara curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. 

"I had a bad dream" She cried. 

"Its okay Cara, im gonna protect you. But, school; you need to go. Im not rushing anything." I said rushing to her side. 

"its been a while since i've been but im scared to Austin." 

"It'll be okay. I'll take you when you're ready" 

"Thank you" 

"Now,, im up so, lets work on a song!" I said picking her up. 

"Okay, i have a few lyrics that ive wrote down" 

I got my gutair and Cara got her notebook and we both sat down in her room as Cara softly sang what she had wrote. 

"This is not what it is only baby scars, I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side" She sang softly and gental, each word coming out with pure perfection. 

"I hope you smile when you look down on me! I hope you smile!" I softly yelled. 

We worked on the song for a few hours sharing laughs. I liked Cara, shes the perfect little girl. 

Tony's p.o.v 

"Tony, can you help me with this cake?" Erin said. 

"Yeah ill try" I said walking to her side. 

"Great, get the butter and chcolate chips" 

I went and got the ingrediants she told me to get. Mike made his way into my mind again, he always does. 

"Tony! Im trying to make my lovely boyfriend dinner! It doesnt help when youre kissing my neck!" Mike yelled with his little spatula in his hand. 

"Im sorry Mikey but I cant not kiss you."  I said smiling as my lips made contact with his skin. 

"Tone, can i finish dinner and you might get dessert later." Mike said winking. I smiled at the thought and stopped as he cooked us dinner. 

"Kellin you whore!!!!" Vic yelled. Kellin and Vic had been playing video games all day; Vic was getting extreme game rage. 

"Sorry Vicky, I think im just better at this than you are." Kellin said, it was obvious they liked each other, but none of then will grow the balls to ask. Skinny Love I suppose. 

"Guys can you like not talk about future sex, the thought makes me sick." Vic said sticking his tounge out. 

"Probably why youre losing" Kellin giggled. VIc glared. 

"im sorry Vic Mikey is just so perfect" I said. 

"Damn right." Mike yelled from the kitchen. 

"Heres the stuff, I think im gonna head home. Call you later?'' I said. 

"Okay, by Turtle!" 

I walked the path back home in silence as my thoughts took over. I needed Mike; I was in love with him. I couldnt let him get away. But I was too scared. My phone rang from my pocket as I saw the number I jumped. It was Mike. 

"Hello? Whos this, it was saved in my phone as 'The Bae'" Mike said confused. 

"Oh, umm it was a prank Mike, you just catching on? This is Tony." I said nervous. 

"Well hey, listen, wanna hang out? The Park?" 

"um yeah okay." I said and hung up the phone. 

(PERRENTS & KELLIC) He Was Always The One, I'll Repeat It Again The OneWhere stories live. Discover now