Chapter 7

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As I predicted Scott made the first move my ex pack moving shortly after. As Scott wanted I stood out of the way and watched the two packs fight. I gave certain members of Scott's pack to each of my own. Flynn had Lydia as they had similar powers. Malia to Jason, Carson with Allison just to rile up Scott and of course I gave our 'sweet' little vampire the two twins as I knew they could morph into one but they would be no match to Quinn. Scott had already disappeared and would probably wait for the right moment.

Lydia screamed, projecting her scream towards Flynn but of course he had already moved to behind her and yanked her hair. I told them specifically hurt them but don't kill them which was obviously hard for my pack to do. They've never fought and not killed. Jason had tried to argue that they were under the code that we went by but I guess I still have a tiny soft spot for my ex friends.

I looked over to Jason who had Malia on the ground rocking backwards and forwards in a ball. Probably making her see the car crash I told him about. Allison was pointing hopelessly around her as if she was seeing more than one person and hearing voices. Carson was standing right in front of her gripped her arm she shoots with, dislocating it. "That's for being a nosy parker princess." She whispers in Allison's ear. Finally I looked over at Quinn who seemed to be handling herself quite well. The twins had already tried to merge but were cut off when Quinn ran into the middle of them and threw them at each side. Suddenly I heard it. The tiniest of movements behind me. I stood my ground, pretending I didn't hear anything until Scott does his battle cry. Hasn't he learnt that when trying to sneak up on someone you don't do a battle cry?

Ha. He didn't even know that I'm behind him, he's too into the battle. I sneak up closer and just when I almost there I jump and scream my battle cry only to be stopped in mid air. I lifted my eyes slightly to see the rest of my pack floating hopelessly frozen in the air same as me. I heard some tutting as Stiles turned around wiggling his finger. "Haven't you learnt anything Scott?"
"How'd you know?" I ask.
"Well, you did three things wrong. No.1 you let Carson read your mind while Flynn distracted you. No.2," he says holding up two fingers,"you underestimated my pack and I and disregarded Deaton's warning. And finally No.3 is plain obvious, your battle cry. Not that I didn't already know you were there but the battle cry sold out when you were going to jump." Stiles explains almost as if we were still friends. "Why have you come here?" I ask helplessly. Stiles rolls his eyes. "I'm the one talking Scott okay? You ask one more question and Jason here will show you one of his many tricks on the mind." Behind him Jason was standing next to Flynn rubbing his hands together evilly. "To answer your question though, I'm here because of my Father. I promised him I would return home and carry on with school and that is exactly what I'm going to do. Of course there is a bonus feature to being here. You." I stare at him confused. "Me? Why me?"
I then felt immense pain in my head. It felt like a white hot sword pushing it's way into my skull. I screamed out in pain only vaguely hearing Stiles saying 'that's enough Jase.' Before the pain faded.
"You should really learn to listen to me Scott. I think that next time I might get Jase here to go after you little girlfriend. Now where was I?You've heard the stories haven't you scotty boy? We go after people with perfect lives. Nobody understands what we mean by that and we don't wish for anyone to know but I'll give you a little hint. You have a perfect life. You, Lydia and Allison. The others, eh, not so much." Stiles says with his hand in the air shaking it. "So what are you going to do with us?" Suddenly there was a piercing high pitched scream filling the opening. It was Allison. I looked over to her. She was screaming, her hands over her ears, eyes closed, head shaking vigorously. "Okay okay! I'm sorry! Stop please just stop!" I say almost in tears, worry for Allison clouding my thoughts. Stiles nods at Jason for him to stop, but he doesn't. Stiles looks over to Flynn and Flynn just nods grabbing his brother by the face and staring in his eyes focusing. Whispering things that even my super hearing can't hear. Allison stops screaming after awhile and while we were looking at Allison Flynn had teleporter himself and Jason away. "As you can see we are rather dangerous. I would stay out of way. And yes, that is a threat. If you come near us again we will break a few things. You come near us a 3rd we will show no mercy. Oh and Lydia? Stop being so self-centered and get over yourself. Nobody likes a suck up." With that we all fell to the ground with a thud. "Carson can you get Scotty here to give us the location of our dear liam please. I would like to give him a visit." Stiles says sweetly-ish. Carson comes over to me and tilts her head smiling sweetly after a few seconds. "He's at Scott's tied up in a bathtub."
"Really Scott. Again? Oh well. Come on guys they have enough problems to get there before we do." I frown what problems does he mean. And as you can guess as soon as I thought that the ground beneath me broke and then filled up again. No! I don't want to get buried alive! See this is the problem of having your ex best friend as the enemy.

1 hour later:
Once we finally made our way out of the ground we noticed a burning feeling on our wrists. "Aah!" Lydia yelps and looks down at her arm. "2-4-2. Who's 2-4-1 and 2-4-0?" She asks quickly. Ethan raises his hand. "I'm 2-4-1 Aiden's 2-4-0."
"I'm 2-4-3!" Allison shouts.
"I'm 2-4-4"
"I'm 2-4-5." I answer discreetly.
"What did the numbers mean?" Allison asks quietly while staring intently at her arm. "How long it took to take us down?" Ethan asks hopefully. Lydia shakes her head. "How many people they have killed slash encountered. They aren't done with us yet."

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