chapter 15

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Animal clinic. 10 minutes. Alone. Stiles
Why does Stiles want to meet up with me? Oh who cares he's Stiles of course I'm going to meet up with him.

"So, what's this secret meeting about?" I ask walking into the animals clinic. Deaton away doing business so it was technically shut. "Because I'm going against my pack by telling you this." I frown. "Telling me what? And if you are going against them then why tell me at all?"
"Because you deserve to know. Ok so you know how Flynn and Jason weren't at school for a couple of days? Yeah well that's because Flynn had an almost fatal vision of the future. About me." My eyes widen. While my inner voice was shouting He can't being dying! Please tell me you aren't going to die Stiles! My outer voice just said, "What about you." Stiles smiles, almost abouts if he can read my mind. "I'm basically going to go bat shit crazy and evil on the anniversary of my changing." My motorcycle helmet drops to the floor. "What?" But somehow he was already gone. I didn't realise he could move that fast. Suddenly my phone buzzed.
Where are you? We're supposed to be heading over to Stiles' house as a pack remember? Full force. -Lydia.

"Crap," I whisper shout realising the date and time. It was the movie night Stiles had promised my pack and I.
Be there soon. Meet me at their house, then we can go in as a pack.
I pick up my helmet and jog outside to my bike.

"Carson! Did you steal my ugg boots again!" I yell from thw bottom of the second story stairs up to the third. "Maaaaybeee," I hear a Faint call though I could tell that she was pre-occupied. "Jason!" I whisper yell.
"What?" I walk up stairs to see him looking right at me. I nod my head in the direction of Flynn's room and put a finger over my mouth. He smiles mischievously at me as we tiptoe over to the door. "1......2......3....." I mouth before we bist open the door yelling, "Okay break it up guys! Break it up!" They jump right off each other, Flynn practically tumbling onto the floor. Jason and I instantly crack up laughing. "Scott and the others are almost here and Stiles said that we have to get everything ready." I say in between breathes. Jason and I walk out to get the place ready, leaving the happy, and startled, couple to cover their half naked bodies.

The Mcall pack arrived 15 minutes later. By that time all of us were already comfy, whether that be on couches, chairs or beanbags, so Stiles just opened the door with his mind and the pack soon came cluttering in. "Tale a seat, any seat. Movie starts in half an hour." Stiles says motioning around the room. Slowly their pack finally disperses into a few different groups. Scott and liam went over to Stiles, Lydia and Allison to Carson and Quinn, the twins mostly kept to themselves, rarely exchanging few words with Flynn. Malia came over to me. She acted awkward at first, then it came to the question.

"So, who's Olivia?" I stiffen as soon as the name leaves her lips. "She was my, uh, my 6 year old sister." Her eyes squint as she tries to read me. "Was?" Dammit, she picked up on that. "Uh, she and my parents died a couple of years ago." Her smile fades a bit. "How?" I take a deep breath, I have no idea why I'm about to tell her this. "Flynn and I killed them. One day we got angry about something that we can't even remember. We lashed out. They were in the way. By the time our minds brought us back it was too late and we saw our family lying in the floor all bloodied up." She looks around the room awkwardly. "If it makes you feel any better I caused the car crash that killed my mother and sister. I mean, that's not as bad as tearing then apart just because you were angry but wel-" Flynn cut her off after seeing my face. "Malia, shut the hell up before we get angry again and tear you apart. You're not helping anyone. Let's start the movie. Movie tonight is Amityville the Horror , the one starring Ryan Reynolds." I silently thank him as the Mcall pack find proper seats.

In the end Quinn, Carson, Flynn and I shared two beanbags, the girls on one, guys on the other, Lydia and Aiden cuddled up on one side of the big couch and Ethan and Liam on the other side- not cuddling. Allison and Malia shared the smaller couch, leaving Scott and Stiles on the smallest couch. So maybe we weren't fond AT ALL of their pack but even we have to admit Sciles do look cute together. And yes, I said Sciles, Carson's idea, it's so much easier than saying Scott and Stiles.

We were halfway through the movie and all the girls from the Mcall pack were already scared. Oh and Ethan and Liam too. You would think after the few encounters they had with evil that they would be okay with watching a horror movie. All of a sudden Stiles stands up and walks out of the room, Scott quick to follow him. "Carson, thoughts?" I say looking at her from behind Flynn. She shrugs. "As usual Stiles is blocking me from him. Only this time he's blocking Scott from be aswell." We leave it at that and pull our attention back to the movie.

"Okay, what is it? You've been staring at me non-stop this whole time!" I whisper-shout as we enter the kitchen to talk. "You tell me that something bad is going to happen in two weeks time and you expect me act like nothing is going to happen?" Scott replies, a mixture between worry and anger filling his voice. "Yes! It's bad enough that I told you. My pack ignores it and I expect you to do the same." Scott looks as if he is about to object when if put my hand up. "Now that we have that out of the way, what else is bothering you?" There was a pregnant pause. Scott made no move until several seconds later. He cupped my face, placing a gentle kiss against my lips. Though the kiss most likely only lasted 5 seconds it felt like 5 minutes. He stepped back and stared into my eyes. They say the your eyes are the windows to the soul, or something like that, behind his I saw many emotions piled on top of one another, one going one way the next going the other, like Plywood. Only, unlike Plywood, it made him look vulnerable, not strong. I'm sure no matter how long he would search in mine, all he would find would be a soulless heart. Nothing more. Nothing less.

It took an ear piercing, ear drum damaging scream to finally tear our eyes away from each other. We were on our way into the other room when Allison barged past us. "Al, where are you going?" Scott asked.
"Home! I am so done with this movie!" Slowly the Mcall pack tumbled through the doorway, looking almost as ready to leave as Allison. From the other room I heard Quinn and Jason shout "Pussies! It's just a dumb movie! We've inflicted worse!" The front door slammed behind Scott as they all left. "Bye, I guess."

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