10.Alan Walker's in my hospital room

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Alan's POV

I was woken up by Robbie lightly shakeing me "Alan she's awake" I heard him say before my eyes shot open.

I sat up on the couch that I had been sleeping on and looked at my phone to check the time. 3:45am. I stretched out my body and let out a yawn before looking over at Dannii who was starring at me with a shocked look.

I stood up off the couch and walked over beside the bed she was in. " Hay how you feeling??" I asked her. She still looked shocked.

"Are you real??" She asked while reaching her hand out and poking me in the stomach. I let out a chuckle " Yes I am real"

She then looked over at Robbie "Robbie are you sure I'm not dead" She asked him as me and Robbie both started laughing.

Before Robbie had a chance to reply I said to Dannii "Do you really think Robbie would let you die??"

She then turned and looked at me again "You have a point there Alan I guess I'm not dead. But if I'm not dead then am I dreaming??"

Before I had a chance to answer she quickly put her arm out towards me. "Pinch me" She said with a serious look on her face. I gave her a confused look "Why??"

She rolled her eyes "So if I'm dreaming I'll wake up??" She said in a duhh tone. Before I had a chance to reply Robbie stood infrount of me and pinched her arm.

"Ahh that Hurt" She said to Robbie as she slapped his chest. "Well you asked" Robbie said while laughing.

She then turned and looked at me again "Wait so if I'm not dreaming then this is really happening. Alan Walker is in my hospital room" She said with a confused look.

I nodded and explained everything that had happened while she was unconscious. After about 10 minutes of explaining she turned and looked at me "So you mean to tell me. That you where on a 4 hour flight from Bergen to Dublin,Played a 3 hour concert, drove me and me brother to the hospital and met a fan in domino's all in one entire day"

I chuckled slightly "Yeah pretty much" She then looked up at me with a confused look again. "Why though?? You didn't have to do that you could've gotten security to do all of this. You didn't need to"

"See I told ye you didn't have to do all of this" Robbie interrupted.

I glared at Robbie sarcastically and then gave Dannii a serious look. I looked her right in the eyes. I hadn't realised how beautiful her eyes were until now they were a dark greyish blue I could stare into them for days.

She tilted her head slightly and furrowed her eyebrows I quickly snapped out of my daze and said " Yes I did need to, you got hurt at my concert, I was the one who asked you to stay back afterwards, it's my responsibility to make sure your ok after what happened"

She then blushed and looked away before saying "Yeah but you could've just given me to my brother and he would've sorted it out you didn't have to come all this way and do all of this"

"Once again may I say I told you so" Robbie interrupted.

I thought for a few seconds before replying "Ok well then I guess I should just leave then, since I didn't have to come here and do all this" I then turned to walk away.

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