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"Oh [Name]! We finally found you!" "It is most wonderful to see that you are safe." "We were so worried about you cowgirl!" "Good to see that Chase hasn't hurt you." they all spoke over each other, trying to tell you how much they missed you. The smile you had on your face before they came in disappeared.

"Why are you guys here?" you asked. They all looked confused, letting you go finally.

"Chase kidnapped you. We came to get you back." Kimiko said. You frowned at all of them.

"Why?" you asked them. They seemed to be more confused.

"Because you are a part of our team. And we never appreciated you because we didn't get to know you." Omi said. Everyone nodded.

"We didn't know that you cooked all our food and did all those other chores. They're hard tasks to fill, and you did them all." Clay added.

"We miss your cooking. No one can cook like you can. We've had to eat Raimundos rice and beans ever since you left. It's horrible!" Kimiko complained.

"Hey!" Raimundo said, offended. Chase had moved a couple yards away so he could observe this interaction from a distance. Even though he knew that you wouldn't leave to go back to the xiaolin side, he still felt uneasy. He didn't like the xiaolin warriors trying the get you back. You were his. By his, he meant heylin. (Yeah yeah they to convince yourself with that... Pffft tsundere much)

You gave them all a look before stepping back from them. "I'm not coming back with you. I'm staying." you told them. They all looked shocked.

"Perhaps Chase has hypnotized her. We must knock her outside of it!" Omi stated and came at you, ready to knock you in the head. With your new training, you easily blocked him and grabbed his foot, flinging him back at the group. They all looked at you surprised.

"Since when could you do that [Name]?" Raimundo asked.

"Since Chase started training me. He's a much better teacher than Master Fung ever was." you said, matter-of-factly. They all gaped at you.

"[Name], you've been brainwashed! What are you thinking learning from Chase? We need to get you back to the temple." Kimiko exclaimed.

"She's right. He's only playing with your mind." Clay agreed. They all started trying to convince you to return to the temple while closing in on you. You started shaking in anger.

"How dare you! Chase is the only one that's ever not only acknowledged, but also appreciated my hard work. Thanks to him, I've made more improvement in one night of training than I ever did at the temple. The only reason you want me back is because you want to get out of the chores and cooking that I did when I was there. None of you really care." you said, getting quieter and quieter as you went on.

Everyone, including Chase, looked at you shocked. None of them had ever been able to tell what you were thinking, and you just put everything out in front of them. Clay was the first to speak, approaching you cautiously.

"[Name], we're sorry. It's our fault that we didn't take the time to know you. Come on, let's go back to the temple and sort this out." Clay said. No one noticed the electricity snapping in the air as you didn't move or say anything. It wasn't until Clay put a hand on your shoulder did they see the black lightning surge form your whole body, making Clay fly back and skid across the floor.

"Get out." you commanded, barely above a whisper. They all looked at you with a mix of confusion and fear.

"What?" Raimundo asked. You finally looked them all in the eyes and shouted.

"Get out!" you yelled at them, another surge of black lightning leaving your body, but this time, staying around your body, like your very aura was being turned into lightning.

To say that the xiaolin warriors were scared would be an understatement. They collected Clay and left hastily. fleeing with their tailes between their legs. Once they were gone, the lightning disappeared. You gave a sigh of relief when you calmed down enough. Chase looked at you fairly impressed. He had never seen such a big display of raw power. He was thoroughly impressed.

"That was impressive [Name]." He said as he approached you. You gave him a weak smile.

"That actually felt really good. But now I'm more hungry. Let's go eat." you suggested. Chase nodded, and the two of you fell into step side by side for a few minutes. When you reached the kitchen, you opened the cupboards for something to cook.

"Steak or chicken?" you asked, looking through the fridge.

"Steak." Chase said as he read through a scroll he had pulled out of nowhere.

"Steak it i-" you started to say, but fainted right in the middle. Chase dropped his scroll and ran over to you. After glancing over you quickly, he deduced that the combinations of no sleep, plus all that training, and the major power surge you just let loose caused this. His heart slowed when he realized you weren't in immediate harm. (He'd have to ponder this later)

He picked you up in his arms and carried you to a spare bedroom. He laid you down and pulled the covers over you. One of his jungle cats, the black panther you had been petting when Jack came, entered the room behind him. The panther seemed to be worried about you. Chase looked at him and then looked back at you.

"Stay with her until she awakes. I need to do some thinking." he said and left. The panther staid as commanded and climbed onto the bed, laying next to you. Seems he had taken quite a liking to you. While Chase left to do some meditation and think about his rather weird actions
Another chapter done.. Hope you liked it...
V. C. S. S. S.
   .N.  .O.U
   .T.  .U.R


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