Chapter 1 - The Girl Next Door

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Within the hour Uriel and his mother had arrived at their new home. It had two floors and a basement. There were three rooms on the top floor, one of which Uriel's mom had plans to rent out.

They had learned that Uriel's boarding school had rooms which he was to stay in, though his room would remain vacant for when he would return home during vacations.

The main floor housed a large kitchen and what seemed to be a dining room. The entrance of the house was basically the living room with a bathroom attached to the side. Uriel made his way down into the basement and looked around. It seemed like another living room may have been down there once when the old owners of the house lived there with a small fireplace, as well as a corner for laundry, a small room which may have been an office before, and of course, another bathroom.

Uriel walked back up to the main floor and nodded to himself. He was certain he would like living here. Without a doubt. As his mother walked in, Uriel walked out the door and called behind him. "I'm gonna go check out the neighbourhood mom, talk to you later."

As Uriel walked down off the porch, his mom called after him. "Just make sure to get home for supper!" Uriel just waved his hand in the air to indicate he had understood and walked on.

Uriel stopped at the road, looked from left to right from where he lived and sighed. Not a house in sight for miles. Nice choice of place to move into mom. Not! Uriel thought to himself, quite annoyed. Uriel decided to turn left and walk that way, after all, left was his favourite side, since right always seemed too... right in his mind. Or as the Cheshire cat said in Alice in Wonderland, there's nothing left. Which was exactly why Uriel always chose it. After what felt like hours of walking, Uriel stumbled across a small, beige house. It seemed to be much smaller than his own, but had more of an "I'm home" feeling to it than his own. Uriel walked up to the door and used the knocker which was a bull's head with a nose ring, which was the knocker. Since there was no doorbell.

After only a few moments, the door opened and a young girl of maybe sixteen stood in the doorway.

"Hello there!" she said in a very cheery way. She had a very sweet smile and an air of curiosity upon her face. "I haven't seen you around here before! What can I do for you?"

Uriel felt himself flush, if only slightly and said. "Well, I'm new to the neighborhood and I was just taking a walk round the block and saw your house. So I thought I might just, you know, stop by and say hi. By the way, lemme introduce myself, I'm Uriel."

The girl smiled a little more, and then moved her blonde curls around her ear. "Well, Uriel, my name is Rosalina. You can call me Rosie, if you'd like. Anyways, I guess I can say welcome to the neighbourhood! So, did you want to come in for a bit, or would you like a tour of our neighbourhood? Either choice you make is fine by me."

Rosie winked at him, still smiling sweetly.

Uriel couldn't help but smile back at Rosie, and fiddled with his hands a moment.

Asking Rosie when he had just met her for a tour of the entire neighbourhood felt kind of rude, whereas, since they were right at her house, since he had been so kindly invited, may as well visit, right?

"Well, if it's no bother to you or your folks, could I please come in a bit? I'd love to know more about you." Uriel calmly managed.

Rosie just backed up a step and had her arm out leading into her house. "My parents aren't home yet from work, but come on in. I don't mind at all." She partially giggled, keeping her very sweet smile.

Uriel hesitated. "You sure it's okay? I don't wanna get you in trouble ‘cause you were with a guy unsupervised, you know?"

Rosie just nodded. "Don't worry about it! My parents trust me enough. I mean, I'll be eighteen soon enough, so if they didn't trust me enough to have people over while they were gone, I'd probably move out. They're the very relax kind of parents, and they don't really care what I do... as long as I don't burn the house down, that is!" Once again, she giggled a little, this time more to herself.

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