sailor pastel [ drabble || long ]

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  He wasn't ready, he wasn't ready at all.

His gaze never tore from the television as he studied the famous anime Sailor Moon, as to get a stable idea of how the blonde haired female had acted normally on various occasions. Did I mention he wasn't ready? Wasn't ready at all. 

 He didn't know if he had everything for the cosplay to begin with, so Pastel decided to check that instead of persistently staring at the tv with his boyfriend sitting on the edge of his bed with a slight smirk on his face. "Pastel, what in gods name are you doing..?" The taller male had piped up finally, his own gaze unwavering as he studied the actions of his fairly smaller boyfriend. Pastel didn't acknowledge PP though, his panicked atmosphere wavering just the slightest as he began to find minor pieces to the cosplay for a convention he was going to go to. "Pastel." PP said a bit more assertively, standing up from the end of the bed with a slight slump due to how tall he was- Not to mention if he didn't keep his head down he'd hit the ceiling- and marched his way over to his tiny lover. Pastel paused his hunt the minute he was engulfed into a awkward hug from PP, the taller finding it weird with how he had to go onto his knees to fully hug the other. The smaller of the duo blinked in slight surprise, hesitantly wrapping his even smaller arms around PP's waist with a soft sigh escaping him. "Thank you, but can you at least help me find everything..? I don't want to fuck this up so early..." Pastel said with a soft mumble, face buried into the others chest as he let out a small wheeze.

 PP laughed slightly, his laugh had echoed throughout the fairly large room as he scooped up Pastel in his arms, shuffling over to the bed and dropping the smaller being onto the pastel bedsheets. "Sure, I got it, leave it to me.. Just stay here, don't move, and I'll get everything!" PP said with a grin, putting a gloved hand up to wave about the air without a care. The smaller male let out a hesitant, and very unconvinced laugh at the others proclamation. "I don't believe you." He said finally, sitting up from his fallen over position on the bedspread with a frown grazing his features. PP turned to look down at the other, his own frown on his face as he raised a brow in mock hurt. "Don't believe me? Don't believe me? Babe, I'm practically the most believable person you can ever meet!" That's a lie. Pastel squinted slightly, light grey eyes catching the light of the lamp as he shook his head slowly at the other. "Whatever, do what'chu gotta do-" He started, arms resting across his thighs as his shirt hung slightly over his shoulder.

 The taller redheaded dork leaned down and placed a chaste kiss to his lovers nose, standing back up a bit to smile softly at the other. "I got it, trust me..." He said quietly, reaching down a single hand and ruffling the slightly younger male's own red hair. This gesture earned an annoyed huff and a swat to the hand, ruining the moment. "Wow fuck you too-" PP said with a small chortle, turning and stalking off out of the shared bedroom and to the stairwell. Tripping his way down the stairs a bit, he reached the bottom and began his hunt for the glorious uniform.

 "Heheheh.. He'll never find the uniform downstairs... Because I had it under the bed all along!" Pastel said with a small evil laugh. That devious bastard.


 Sooner or later it was about time for Pastel to head out. He still wasn't fucking prepared. I mean, he had everything ready and all but... He was NOT fucking prepared.

 Heaving a sigh, Pastel fiddled with the skirt bottom anxiously, something he normally did whenever he wore something and felt self conscious about it. PP stood outside beside his motorcycle, eyes staring at the hesitant boyfriend of his as he sighed himself and shook his head. Clasping a hand around his mouth to amplify his already booming voice, he called for the small pastel nerd. "Pastel, if we don't go now the panels might close!" He shouted, genuine concern lacing his voice as he lowered his arm hesitantly. He didn't know how to help Pastel, not in the slightest. Leaning on his motorcycle, he was about the call for the other again, until the front door opened up and out bounded the small ball of color himself. "Holy shit you look adorable-" PP said suddenly, making Pastel's face erupt into a bright scarlet color. Pastel looked down at his outfit and dusted off the shirt a little bit, still not feeling too confident about this decision. "I-.. Thanks, PP-" Pastel said quietly, not really knowing what to say. "I haven't worn a uniform in years...-" He said again, the slight bad memories of the private Christian school he had been enrolled into years back, when he was still a she. Those were the worst days of his life, and they would always tick by in very stretched out minutes that couldn't have ended any sooner. Shaking his head lightly, he walked over in the boots, lightly stumbling with how much of a heel there was on them.

 PP smiled fondly at the shorter, picking up the spare helmet and holding it out in his gloved hands for the other to take. "C'mon, if we arrive any later you might not get to meet any other fans, you really need the boost in confidence... It'll help, trust me!" PP said with a small chuckle, picking up the other and setting him down on the back of the pastel blue motorcycle. Climbing on himself and placing his own helmet upon his head, he put the keys in and revved up the motorcycle. "Ready, shorty? Don't fall off this time-" he said teasingly, reminding Pastel of his first time on the motorcycle with PP. Huffing at his pastel boyfriend, he lightly fastened his small arms around his thin waist, a small grumble escaping him as he smooshed his face against the soft fabric of PP's hoodie. "Shut up and drive.." Pastel mumbled out, feeling increasingly more embarrassed about his choice of cosplay. Nodding in response, PP drove off at a high speed, fuck the police.

 A few moments of driving passed and they had arrived in front of the convention, PP getting off first to help Pastel off the seat. Other cosplayers and people who were running panels were going in and out of the building, varying outfits with also mass amounts of colors could be seen. All Pastel could see? Sailor Moon cosplayers, like himself, and he was so excited. A wide grin sprawled across the smaller males face, eyes sparkling as he looked about the crowd of people just like him, he looked up at PP for permission to go interact with the human beings. PP rolled his eyes and put a hand on the others head, "You don't need to ask me to go talk to people, Khon.." he said with a grin. Pastel reincorporated the grin with one of his own, speeding off and quickly greeting a few other people with the enthusiasm as the actual Sailor Moon would've had. PP smiled fondly at the sight before him, Pastel actually having healthy social interaction, people complimenting him, men flirting with him-... Wait a fucking minute. OOOOOOOH HELL NO! PP removed himself from beside the bike, stomping over to the men flirting with his baby boy, arms folded over his chest as he stood behind the guys as they continued throwing pick-up lines at the fairly confused Pastel.

  One of the men was advancing towards Pastel, while the other laughed and started throwing around pick-up lines faster then you could say 'Holy Shit'.

"Is your daddy a Baker? Because you've got some nice buns!" was one of the pick-up lines.

It went on like this for a few minutes until PP couldn't stand what one of them said next. "Okay, that's it." He said to himself, cracking his knuckles and stepping to stand in front of Pastel. Lifting a fist, he swung first and hit the first man in the jaw, catching the duo off guard as the one who was hit was knocked out cold. The other man looked panicked, looking down at the knocked out form of his friend, and steadily a dark spot developed in the crotchal region of his pants. He just pissed himself. PP put his hands on his hips as he watched the one who awkwardly began to shuffle away, leaving behind a puddle before breaking into a sprint screaming and crying. The taller male turned to look down at Pastel, going down on his knees to hug his small boyfriend with a sheepish grin on his face. "Y'okay?" He asked, genuine concern in his voice as he pulled away from the hug to keep his hands on Pastel's shoulders. Pastel looked beweildered at the knocked out male beside PP's kneeling form before him, then tore his gaze away to look at his lover. Staring at PP blankly, he slowly allowed his eyebrows to knit together in confusion, "What the fuck just happened?" he asked.

"Time to go home, stop talking, stop asking stupid questions-"

"But PP I just asked--"

"Shut up-."

"Oh my god but why-"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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