Only You

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When my parents call me a disappointment,

And say I am a major mistake.

I am getting sad, but you make it pointless.

You try to make me happy, even if I break.

You always said you do anything to make me pleased,

So far it is so true, that I am surprised,

And I really love, that I always get teased.

I make sure my love for you isn't disguised.

You are just too perfect, so let me show you.

You always hug me, kiss me, and show me attention.

I keep craving nothing else, expect only you.

You make my life like it is in another dimension.

Now I want to just stare at your eyes,

While wrapping my arms, and kissing your lips.

Now our souls just spinning clockwise,

Even when, we are touching each other's fingertips.

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