Poor Unfortunate Souls

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There are only three.
Poor unfortunate souls.
The one, who wants the love he can see.
The other, she gets accepted by poles.
The last, who wants to let go of the pain, but can't be free.

The outcast, the lonely, and the depressed.
They hate the world they are in.
World just, a game with, a difficult test.
But, the three can never win.
Even if, their body is 6th under at rest.

They don't deserve it.
Some say they did it for attention.
Even though, the souls end up choosing to quit.
But, the people never pay the pain any attention.
The souls commit suicide, because of it.

The souls needed help.
They needed one person to bring them to the light.
The souls yell once, then never again yelp.
The people would mock the souls for faking a fight.
The real fight was in their minds, they need any help.

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