Chapter 3

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As the days came by July 25 was here. July 25 was Alexa's 5th b-day and the day she was going to be "formally" introduced to the world of wizardry (without counting Hagrid's experience). Alexa woke up around 7 am really excited, not excited for her birthday, she was excited because Minerva McGonagall was going to visit her house this day! She had previously read about her, she was the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts, her future Transfiguration teacher Alexa hoped.

She went downstairs quickly and her parents were already in the living room, her dad was getting ready to go to work and her mom was watching the news.

"Happy Birthday Little Princess" said her Dad and carried Alexa

"Dad, I'm not a little princess" said Alexa to her dad "I'm a little wizard!" She said and hugged her dad

"Didn't you explained us yesterday that boys are called wizards and girls witches?" Asked her mom

"Well I don't really like the term witch since it sounds kind of scary" said Alexa innocently

For her parents it was unbelievable that little Alexa were already 5 years old but when you talked with her it seemed like if you were talking with a 15 year old girl.

"And what do you want to do today Alexa?" Her mom asked as the family sat down to have breakfast

"Well first I'm going to change into my clothes that I chose yesterday and then probably watch some TV and wait until McGonagall arrives here" she said and her parents looked at each other

"And you don't want to go to the movies?" Her father asked


"To that video game arcade you love?" Said her mom


"To the mall?"


"To the ice cream place?"

"I'm starting to feel that you guys don't think that Minerva will come, why?" Alexa said

"Well sweetie as we said how do we know this is a lie? How are we completely sure about it?" Her mother said

"Well at least we can wait, if she doesn't come today, we will know it was all a lie, and we will continue with our normal lives tomorrow with zero magic" said Alexa hoping that what she just previously said was all a big fat lie, and that McGonagall was going to come and show them this new world.

Hours passed and there was no sign of being there McGonagall. The clock marked 5:34 pm and Alexa was getting the feeling that it was all a lie, that all was lie. Then finally the sound that Alexa has been wanting to hear since she woke up, a knock on the door. She saw her mom and dad (who was already back from work) fixing each other's clothes, Alexa stood up from the couch and anxious and nervous at the same time stood on front of the door, then she opened the door. A cat was on the door, a gray cat with dark eyes, both of its big eyes staring at the family of 3. Then the cat transformed into an old women,the family were shocked and with open mouths.

"Well Good Afternoon, I'm Minerva McGonagall" said McGonagall "and I believe that you are little Alexa" said the old lady to Alexa

"Yes, I'm Alexa Puckle and these are my parents Jeff and Tania" said Alexa introducing her muggle parents to the first witch she had ever met without counting the teens and Hagrid "Lovely meeting you" said McGonagall

They entered to the house and McGonagall explained them everything about the wizarding world, which Alexa already knew about.

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