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The 12-year-old girl looks up at her older brother "why are you leaving me here" she says as tears fall out of  her crystal blue eyes. The boy looks down at her  "I can't stay here anymore I have to go" he takes hold of his luggage and looks down at the young girl crying in front of him he's eyes water for a few seconds but then he shakes his head and leaves her there sobbing.

He knew that what he was doing is wrong he's leaving his sister there to suffer but he couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't keep staying there, slowly dying protecting his sister, he thought that maybe his father would change after he was gone.

Oh, how wrong he was because without him there was no one to stop him now.


I wake up sweating and panting from another nightmare or more like a memory. I put my hair in a ponytail and look down "new town, new house, but still the same old memories" I whisper. I sit up and turn the lamp on in my room, and start going through my phone for a while.

I finally get up from my bed and start getting ready for my first day at my new school. I go to the bathroom and do my business, and then I go in my closet put on some black ripped jeans, a purple t-shirt, my black leather jacket. I put a little bit of makeup on and then go downstairs to get something to eat.

After I'm done with breakfast I go wash my hands and then go put my black timberlands on. I go outside with my keys and backpack then get on my motorcycle, take my helmet out, put it on and start driving to my new school.

It took me 20 minutes to get to school and everyone stops and stares at me. I park my motorcycle and I hear a boy say "I wonder who the new guy is?" I chuckle under my breath and take my helmet off, I let my short jet black hair fall to my shoulders and then I start walking away. I got glares from a few girls around me but I just continued walking and ignored them.

I walked inside the school and went to my locker. I had already seen all the classes I'm supposed to go to before when I came to sign up for this school with my aunt Grace.

I open my locker and put the books that I won't need in it and then close them. I turn around and find a guy leaning against a locker in front of me, I raise my eyebrow at him and I have to admit that I was checking him out, he has brown hair and green eyes and is super tall, he also has a sharp jawline that looks like if touched you'd cut yourself. I stop checking him out and look at his face, he smirks and walks away. I shake my head and start walking to my first class.

I get to the class and walk in and look around for a seat. I go sit on the last chair in the corner then, I sit down take my phone out and start going through it.

3 minutes later The same guy who was looking at me comes in with three guys behind him, he looks around, and when his eyes land on me he smirks and walks up to where I'm sitting, and sits right beside me.

The teacher walks in a few minutes later and puts his things on his table. "I hear we have a new student please stand up and tell us your name" I roll my eyes but stand up anyways.

"Hey my name is Sky Jones, and I'm 17" the teacher nodded.

"Alright, you can sit, let's get the class started" I sat down and he started class.

The whole time during class I could feel eyes on me, I finally got tired of it and looked at whoever was looking at me, It was the same guy that was staring at me in front of the lockers. He smirks at me and waves, I roll my eyes and go back to copying notes.

1 hour later

It is now lunch and I had made no friends so far, not that I wanted to make friends anyways. I sit down at an empty table and start eating my lunch when the entire lunchroom suddenly becomes quiet, but I don't look up not really caring what is happening. Someone taps my shoulder so I look up and I meet those green eyes that have been staring at me the entire day.

The guy goes around the table and sits in front of me with three guys sitting beside him. They start eating and talking like I'm not even there so I cough to interrupt them "umm excuse me but do you need something?" They all turn to look at me and shake their heads and start talking again so I get up and start walking away.

"Hey, where are you going" I don't even turn around to find out who asked I just keep walking and say "home" loud enough so that they can hear me.

Right, when I'm about to walk out of the school I get pushed against a locker. I raise an eyebrow at the girl who pushed me, she has brown eyes, fake blonde hair that reaches her waist, she's wearing a bright pink dress that is killing my eyes, and her long white nails were digging into my arms.

"can you get your hands off me?" I asked her while she glared at me.

"Why did the guys sit with someone like you, they don't like anyone?" I don't answer but since I noticed she wasn't getting her hands off me I push her and she falls on the floor.

I crouch down to talk to her "first of all what's your name?" She looks at me.

"Heather" I nod should I just walk away or put her in her place.

I choose the latter "okay well Heather I don't want you touching me again I have a thing against people touching me and when they do it has some bad consequences, and I don't know why they sat by me since I don't even know them but next time go ask them and not me. okay, sweetheart?" She nods, I get up and walk away.

I walk out of the school, get on my motorcycle, and start driving home.

I get home and take off my helmet and then get off my motorcycle and walk inside of my house. Yes, I do live alone but it's a small house with three rooms one for me and two for guests. I go lay on the couch and go through my phone and see that I have ten missed calls from my aunt and I immediately call her.

She quickly answers "hey aunt Grace is everything ok?" I hear her sigh through the phone.

"sweetie I have bad news, you're dad escaped" I drop the phone on the floor and a sob suddenly escapes me but I hadn't even realized I had started crying.

I suddenly remember what my father said before they took him away.

"I'll come back sweetheart and next time you won't be saved."
"She wears strength and darkness equally well,
The girl has always been half goddess, half hell."
-Nikita Gill

The Girl in the Leather JacketWhere stories live. Discover now