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"Please don't hurt me," the little girl said to the men surrounding her, but even though they heard her screams and cries of agony they didn't stop, it was like they were all under a spell, a spell that the devil put on them and it was just to hurt her and only her. The person she considered her héroe wasn't there anymore he left to find his future and leave her in the past, so she found out then and there that the only person that could save her from the devil was herself.

I woke up from that another nightmare and I know that my father getting out of jail triggered it. I get out of bed and get ready for school.

I put on a black t-shirt that says "what the hell" on it tucked into a black skater skirt paired with some black combat boots and of course my leather jacket.

Instead of going straight to school today, I stopped at my cousins' house because I need a favor.

I get to his house and just walk in "Hey Sky" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"How did you know it was me" he shrugged.

"Because you're the only friend I have and the only person that would mess with the Logan Knight" I laugh.

"your ego is really big today isn't it" he laughs and nods.

"Always, and aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" He asked and I nod.

"yeah but I need a favor."

He immediately shakes his head at me "No I thought you were done with this" I sigh.

"I thought so to but I found out some news last night and I need to let out some stress" he shakes his head at me and glares.

"What news could be so bad that you would want those people to start looking for you again?" I give him a sad smile.

"My dad escaped prison yesterday" his eyes soften and he hugs me.

"Are you sure you want to start this again?" He asks me and I nod and he hugs me tighter.

"do you want to stay here for today and not go to school?" He asks me, I nod again and he lets me go.

The entire afternoon we spent talking, eating, and playing video games. Jacob is the closest person to me we became best friends immediately after when met.


"From now own you'll be living with me and my son, okay honey?" I nod at my aunt and I hear someone coming downstairs and then a guy with blond hair and green eyes appears in front of me. The guy crouches in front of me and smiles "hey I'm Jacob you're cousin what's your name?" I tell him my name and he asks me if I wanted to play video games with him.

Flashback Over.

After I said yes to playing video games with him, we became inseparable and we never did anything with ought each other and he was the only person after my aunt that knew what happened with my dad.

It didn't matter that he was 4 years older than me he was still there when nobody else was and for that, I will always have his back.

2 hours later

We're sitting on the floor watching a movie and then Jacob suddenly hits me with a pillow, I turn around and glare at him "what the hell" I say to him and he just shrugs

"are you going to sleep here today?" he asks and I nod "okay what do you want for dinner then?" I shrug and he puts his thinking face on for a second.

"want to go to McDonald's?" He asks me and I nod "okay let's go change, then we can go, oh and I'm driving" I groan knowing there's no arguing with him because if we started arguing we would never stop.

A few minutes later he comes out with a white t-shirt and black ripped jeans. "let's go" I nod at him, get up and follow him out the door. We get in his car and start heading to McDonald's.

20 minutes later we are sitting in McDonald's and I'm eating my delicious Chicken nuggets when the same guys that sat in front of me in lunch walked in.

I turn my head away and look at my cousin and hear someone scream "YOO IT'S THE SAME GIRL FROM SCHOOL!!" My cousin raises an eyebrow at me, while I just shake my head and facepalm.

"Well hello there Sky," one of green eyes friends says to me. He has Black hair and blue eyes, he also has dimples. I also noticed he had a twin brother, and they look the same except for their dimples.

"What do you guys want?" I ask and green eyes raise an eyebrow at me "sorry, look I just don't know you guys, and I don't know your names." I said and they all nodded and then started presenting themselves.

So I found out that the twin's names are Leo and Liam, and then there's John who doesn't talk a lot he has blond hair and brown eyes, and last but not least green eyes or his actual name which is Blake but I like calling him green eyes better.

"So who's this" green eyes says while looking at my cousin.

"I'm Jacob this idiots cousin," he says so I smack his head.

We spent the time eating and talking, and by we I mean everyone except me and John because neither of us were talking just nodding if someone asked us a question and laughing at the stupid jokes the guys were making.

When we finally got to Jacobs house we went into our rooms and went to sleep, and yes I do have a room in his house just for me and he also has a room in my house just in case anything happens we can go to each other's houses and stay there, so I just went into my room, changed my clothes, got in bed and knocked out.

What is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives
- Rupi Kaur

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