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The little girl is cleaning her own blood from the kitchen floor in a hurry wanting to finish before her father gets home.

She's almost done when her father comes in drunk and angry for no reason, with a beer in his hand like always. "Didn't I tell you to finish cleaning this up before I came back" he screamed.

"yes sir, but it-it didn't want to come o-off, so I-I went to buy some things to take it off"  she explained but it didn't help her he grabbed the bottle and smashed it on her head, then he kicked her in her stomach and kept doing that over, and over again.

Before she blacked out he spit on her and said "you worthless slut wasting my money without permission you should have never been born." Then he walked away and everything went black.


"Shut up" I screamed at Jacob who was sitting next to me screaming on the phone while I was trying to watch Harry Potter he glared at me and then got up and went upstairs.

"Finally some peace and quiet" I whispered to myself and then guess what happened.... someone knocked on the freaking door.

I rolled my eyes and screamed "JUST LET ME WATCH HARRY POTTER IN PEACE"

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to" I heard someone say behind the door and I froze, I just screamed at my aunt and now I'm going to be officially dead in a few minutes.

I consider just leaving her out there and not opening the door, but she already knew I was here and there was nowhere I could run that she wouldn't find me.

After a few minutes I finally get the courage to slowly get closer to the door and when I finally open it, I get hit with a purse "who did you think you were talking to huh?" My aunt kept repeating while hitting me with her purse.

I see Jacob come downstairs and start laughing, which was a bad idea since my aunt saw him and started hitting him too. My family is crazy.

When my aunt finally stopped hitting us, she went to the kitchen and started cooking like nothing even happened.

40 minutes later we're all sitting in the dining room eating the spaghetti that my aunt made.

"So how was your day Sky?" my aunt asked.

"Well other than you hitting me with your purse, It was okay" I answer while glaring at her, she smiles.

"it's not my fault that you screamed at me," she says while shrugging.

"Okay so sky screamed at you, so you hit her. That makes sense, but I didn't do anything and you hit me," Jacob says.

"well you started laughing, so you deserved it," she said then shrugged again, and that's how the rest of the day went us just sitting there eating and talking about anything and everything.

It was now 7:00 and my aunt and I decided that it was a perfect time to watch a movie. While she was making popcorn, I was picking out the movie and we were either going to watch Girls trip or The Big Sick when I heard a knock on the door, I open the door, and Blake, Leo, Liam, and John are standing in front of me, "what are you guys doing here?" I asked them.

"your cousin sent us the address and invited us to watch some movies so now we're here," Blake says then smirks and walks past me with Leo, Liam, and John.

Jacob comes running downstairs and starts talking to the guys I just roll my eyes and finish picking out the movie.

I finally decided on The Big Sick and we all just sat down laughed, and eat popcorn all night.

Everyone was sleeping except for Blake and me, for a while everything was quiet but then He sat beside me and we stared at each other not saying anything

"Hey quick question who's Heather?" I ask him he rolls his eyes turn to look at the ceiling.

"an annoying bitch at school who thinks we're dating. Why?" I shrug and turn to look at the ceiling too.

"she decided it would be fun to try and touch me," I tell him and for a few more minutes we stay quiet and then start talking about a few random things.

I found out random things about him like the fact that he only eats grilled cheese when he's stressed out, and that he has an obsession with French fríes.

We fell asleep talking about random things but never talked about anything too personal because I kept avoiding the subject.

*Next Morning*

I wake up to people talking. "Shhhhhh your gonna wake them up," someone said and it sounded like Jacob.

"let me take a picture, they look so cute" that sounded like my aunt. I groan and snuggle closer to the pillow I was on, I feel a hand on my waist and open my eyes and check whose hand I'm going to break I look under me and see that I'm on top of Blake, then I scream and fall of the floor.

OH MY GOD, I was on top of Blake. Blake looks down at me and starts laughing, I roll my eyes get up to go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

A few minutes later I had made pancakes and bacon and now everyone was sitting down eating.

I see Blake looking at me from the corner of my eye and I'm wondering what's he thinking about. Freaking stalker.

Blakes POV

I see her sitting there, the way she squints her eyes when she laughs, and how her crystal blue eyes light up whenever Jacob and her speak to each other.

I want to get to know her, and I want her to open up to me. I could already tell that she was going to try her best to keep me away, she just seems like that type of person, but she should know that I'm not going to give up.


The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
                    ~Albert Einstein

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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