From the Start

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Five months earlier...


At exactly 8:00 a.m. the music from the alarm on my cell phone stole me from my precious sleep.  Still, I forced myself to rise from the comfort of the magical bedsheets.  Eric remained alseep, snoring a little.  A part of me wanted to let him rest, he was so peaceful, but I knew he had to be at the firm today.  Gently, I shook him until his eyes cracked open.  "Time to get up, baby."  

He sat up, wiping the sleep from his eyes before leaning over to peck me on the lips, morning breath and all.  I wished it was always like this between us, but I knew that with the stress that came from him trying to follow in his father's footsteps, that wouldn't be possible.

I made my way to our bathroom to shower and rid myself of my morning breath.  "Don't take too long in there, Dee."  His gruff voice called from behind me.

After I was fresh, I got dressed in a peach pencil skirt and a ruffled white blouse.  My hair was already styled in a simple bob.  I only added a little makeup with lipstick that was considered nude for my dark complexion.

  I took extra care with my appearance today, I wanted to make a good impression my new boss, Dominic Davidson.  Although I was recently hired as his personal assistant, this was not what I'd spent all that time and money in college for, so I planned to take full advantage of the experience that would come with working under one of the fastest growing names in media marketing.

Before I left, I gave Eric a kiss on the cheek as he was buttoning up his shirt.  "See you when I get home."


Fucking Atlanta traffic!  I left at fifteen minutes until nine.  It only takes about twenty minutes to get to my job from my home, but its like the universe decided spontaneously that its 'Get-Denise-fired-on-her-first-fucking-day Day'.  It took me five minutes just to get off my exit, now I only have about ten more minutes before I'm officially late.  Luckily D&D Media was only a few minutes from the exit.

I hurriedly robbed someone of the parking spot they were planning to drive into and gave them an apologetic wave as I ran, as fast as I could in five inch heels, into the building and up the elevator.  I checked the time, only a five more minutes until nine thirty.  I relaxed my tense shoulders as I realized that I'd actually made it.

"First day?"  The woman to my left asked chuckling.

"Is it that obvious?"  I groaned.

"Just a little.  Everyone has that same look when they're new.  Trust me you'll get used to it.  I'm Ambrielle by the way."  She held her hand out, sounding like a true southern belle.

"Denise Whitman,"  I said returning her gesture.

Her eyebrows rose.  "Oh so you're the new PA?  Then honey never mind, you have a reason to be nervous.  Mr. Davidson can be synonymous to the devil himself.  My condolences, sweetheart." 

Suddenly, I was more apprehensive than I'd ever been in my entire twenty-six years of living.  I gulped.  "Is he really that bad?"

"To the rest of the building?  Hell yes.  But apparently that's nothing compared to how he treats his assistants--hence why he's always looking for a new one.  Looks like you're next on the chopping block-"  On cue the elevator door slid open at my floor.  "Good luck, Denise.  It was nice meeting you."

I felt as though I was walking to my doom the closer I got to the office with the gold name plate of Dominic Davidson.  Clearing my throat, I mustered up the gall to knock on the door.  I had no clue what I was to be expecting, I just hoped Ambrielle was exaggerating in her description of him.

"Come in, Ms. Whitman," a deep, masculine voice said.  I walked in, immediately taken aback at the handsome man seated at his desk.  I swear I felt my knees buckle.  

His skin was smooth, the color of rich mahogany.  It contrasted against his charcoal Armani suit.  His lips were full and I could tell that they'd often been the center of attention.  Surely this fine ass man couldn't be the tyrant that she'd painted him as.

Even sitting down, it was clear that he was the type that commanded the room.  He peered up at me, dark eyes scolding me.  Instantly, I felt as if I'd already screwed up.  "Good morning, Mr. Davidson.  Is there -"

"You're late, Ms. Whitman."  He interrupted with a bland tone.

I glanced at the clock only to see that he was correct.  I was late--by one minute.  Inwardly I groaned.  Today was clearly not my day.  This was one of those times I wished life came with a restart button like they do on videogames.  "I apologize, Mr. Davidson.  It won't happen again."

"No it won't, otherwise I'd have to fire you,"  he said nonchalantly.  "Starting today, I want you to arrive here twenty minutes early to have my coffee ready along with preparing my agenda for the day.  It is your job to keep me organized so that I'm able to function and do what I do best.  I'm putting my life in your hands.  If you prove incompetent for even a second, you're gone.  Clear?"

I nodded unable to form adequate sentences.  This man was extremely intense, outright intimidating.  It hadn't even been five minutes yet and I was already questioning if I could handle this job.

"Good.  You're dismissed."  Just like that, he waved me off like I was nothing more than a nuisance.  What did I do?  

I hurried the hell up and got out of that office. 



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