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Love is one hell of an emotion.  With the power to elevate every nerve in your body. It can have you floating on the highest level of cloud nine there is. You feel invincible.  Indestructible even.  Every time you think of what it's like to experience love, to be in love, and to give love, the elation your soul goes through is comparable to entering the gates of heaven.  Eternal happiness; internal happiness.

Don't be fooled, love has two sides to it.  You know like Yin and Yang or the Gemini.  While there is a euphoria that only love can bring, but don't be so naive to think there is good without evil.  And yes, love can be evil.  This side of love is tricky, unforgiving, and dark.  This side of love is so deceptive that it will have you believing a lie.  

Make you think that what you're experiencing heaven, while luring you into depths of hell.  It weaves its way into your body an soul.  It injects itself into your veins like a drug.  Love is heroin.  The way it gives that heavy dose of ecstasy to your system, clouding your senses.  It's addictive, no matter how dangerous it is for you.  Love is the flame and you're that dumb ass moth that keeps running back.  You know it's hot but the burn feels so damn good--even if you lose your wings.

Love is a liar!  It lets you get acquainted with its warmth and security and then, like the natural disaster it is, it rears its nasty, destructive head.  Shaking, shattering, and unraveling the rather distorted image of itself.

Love is that snake in the Garden of Eden.  Love is... the greatest Deception.


I ached everywhere.  No amount of pain killers could cure my throbbing limbs.  My head was pounding mercilessly as I stole a few sly side eyed glances at the clock.  I rolled my eyes at the fact that it had been three o'clock for the past hour!

Time always moved slow at work for some reason, but today it was like torture--mainly because of the injuries I'd sustained during last night's events.  I groaned instantly remembering what happened.  I would cry--if my tear ducts hadn't shriveled up from last night's overuse of them.

"This dinner's extremely important to me, please don't embarrass me tonight."  Eric whispered rather harshly into my ear as he gave my hand a warning squeeze.  I wanted to squirm in pain, but we were currently sitting at the table with the evening's guests approaching, donning bright smiles.

"Eric, my boy," the executive of his father's law firm, Johnson&Beckham, greeted as he and another much younger guest followed to their seats.

"Good to see you again, Mr. Beckham."

Mr. Beckham had to be in his late sixties, but it barely showed.  Sure he had a few wrinkles here and there, but they only added to his distinguished features.  He donned a salt and pepper coif, but his most striking feature were his cerulean eyes.  They were warm and inviting.

The gentleman seated next to him could've been an image of his younger self.  He was just as striking, with more of a boyish look.

"I'm sure you remember my son, Vincent."  Eric nodded and shook hands with Vincent, before returning his attention to Mr. Beckham, who surprisingly switched his gaze to me.  "Eric, I know your father taught you manners.  Who is this lovely young woman?"

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