Chapter Eight -A new found love

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That afternoon it was Zacky who offered to drive me home as soon as he asked Jimmy started up with his taunts to us and started singing love is in the air to which he got whalloped with a lawn cushion.

On the drive back to my house Zacky offered to go to the airport for my cousin when she landed provided i went with him i somehow agreed , before we turned to go up my drive he stopped the car turned and told me to look at him so i did , "theres been something i wanted to ask you but was a bit embarressed to ask you in front of the others well you seen why " go on i told him "ok well how would you like to go out one night this week just us no-one else?" i looked at him and took my time to think "erm sure i dont see why not but it would have to be after 6pm as i have 5 horses now that need me "wow you have 5 horses " yeah my dad bought me them lol " well then so you get done quicker i will help you he said with a smile on his face "ok you gotta deal "nice one " Zacky said and grabbed my hands i was a little bit nervous when he did and even more nervous when he leaned in for a kiss "um Zacky im not sure we should be doing this straight away " at this he looked cress fallen but turned back at me and said he was willing to wait for as long as it would take.

So when you wanna go out then he asked well we could do tomorrow night i replied since my cousin will be here in two days time , "tomorrow night is fine i'll see you at 4pm " ok we said goodbye and i walked up the drive to my house.

"hi love how are you dad called from living room "im good thanks dad oh im going out tomorrow night with Zacky hes the one whos gonna go to airport for ya" my dads head shot up " you mean its a date ?" erm sort of dad why you ask" to this he replied he thought it would have happened as spooks had rang my mam and she got all gibbresh on the phone (my mam i mean) well by all means go but i want to meet this young man and give him the once over make sure he is suitable for you ok , i just looked and nodded then said ok he will be here at 4 pm", " forget 4pm he can have lunch and spend the afternoon with us . Damn i didnt get Zackys number i thought so i had to ring Spooks to pass on the message to him , The rest of my afternoon was spent with the horses and trying to back the one who looked evil what a squirt bag he was aswell i had been bucked off his back more times than i could remember great i thought im going out tomorrow with the most cutest and sexiest guy i know and im gonna be very sore, i turned in for bed that night at 9pm

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