chapter 1. 8:34 pm.

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"Citys breaking down on the camels back..." It came from his headphones just as he looked out the bus window. He sighed. Atleast 1 more hour of driving left and the internet connection where already close to failing. He ran a hand through his sky blue hair. His mom had been pissed the day he came home with it like that, but it was worth it. He wanted to look like his favorite bands singer and he loved his hair. His hand acsidentaly touched the scar as he put it back to his lap. This made him frown. He hated that scar, it reminded him of the day he got it every time he looked in the mirror. "Windmil windmild fo- e-e-eh.. a-a-and..zzzzccrrr.." And there went the internet. Great. He couldent wait to get to the cabin. All this snow though he diddent like it.. or the dark woods.. he always fealt like something was watching him from out there. In the dark.. But what? He let out another sigh. "Stop thinking so much Jazz... you got this.. its just a trip to your buddys place. Nothing else man.." He said trying to comfort himself. But he couldent help but think about the stories Michaels dad ussed to spook them with. About It being out there. And he couldet help but think "what if?.."

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