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What do you do when half the population turns on you?

Do you try to defend yourself through proper justifications?

Give in to the worst they can do?

Or be like me and fight back?


"Ma'am, Todd was staring at me indecently!"

"So as with me ma'am, he has been staring at my chest recently."

"Girls, I don't think you should make false accusations towards poor Todd here. He might be a little scary looking but i don't think he actually is the type of person to do that!"

"All of you, sit down! We are in the middle of class."

And thus the peace was restored to the bewildered classroom.

"Todd! Visit my office later, we have to talk about this"

Or not quite.

And thus, my reputation for the rest of junior high school was ruined in less than 5 minutes. I cant fully deny their allegations. I do indeed do those things they accused me of. But I dont do it to the extent that i deserve to be shamed in public like this. In fact, I think i might be one of the more conservative and chaste students in school. So, what brought this on? A grudge? Sucking up to the teacher? Or just for plain sadistic fun?

"So Todd, I heard that you've been doing all kinds of indecent stuff. Are you not going to deny this?"

"Well, I know lying would do no good in front of you ma'am. So i'm not going to deny it."

"I know what happened earlier must have been hard on your part. It was wrong of her to do it in the middle of class... But its still your fault."

"I know ma'am"

"Hmm... I still have to consult the prefect regarding your sanction. What would you prefer?"

"I think anything but expulsion works."

"You really need to take this more seriously."

"I'm sorry.. i'm just really tired today."

"Alright. you're free to go. Also I already contacted your mother about this and shes coming to pick you up."

"I'm looking forward to her arrival."


Suspended for 2 days and a week of community services. That was the sanction given to me that day. The sanction wasn't the worst part of that week. It was the reaction of the females and the change of the way they treated me. I couldn't even talk to a girl without feeling subjected. However, it wasn't that bad. The boys decided to make a lunch group and i was part of it. It started off small and slowly grew bigger and in a short time the lunch group was composed of almost all the boys in the classroom. We all were very tight knit understanding towards each other. The boys also sympathized with me and all were very kind to defend me when girls would try to talk behind my backs. This was the only thing keeping me from falling into depression and i could never repay their kindness.

Things never got resolved but by the end of the school year I had gained friends that I would end up being grateful to for the rest of my life. I had learned my lesson and had vowed never to lay my eyes upon another woman again. But deep down I still held some resentment against her but I couldn't do anything against her. Or could I?

I went up from 8th grade to 9th grade and found out that the girl who started this mess didn't enroll for 9th grade in the same school but instead transferred.

"Yo Todd, have you seen her nudes?"

I immediately understood what he meant by that. There were already rumors circulating during summer break but i quickly shrugged it off. She never was the type of bare her body off to anybody. But I guess I was wrong. 

She was smart and beautiful. But I guess not smart enough to stop herself from doing it i guess.

How ironic how someone who condemned me for being lusty was now being condemned by the entire student body for being lusty. How wonderfully ironic!


I'm in senior high now. Literally everyone but the teachers and staff have seen how she looks like without clothes and the novelty of it wore off long ago. I still haven't gotten over the pleasure of ruining the girl. I haven't told anyone this. But I was the one who spread her nudes and I was the one who beautifully coerced 75% of the entire class to sympathize with me, male and female. Playing the victim card is easier than it seems and so is ruining another persons life. I wish I could've said this to her face and seen the despair in her face. But imagining her living a life nothing short of a pornstar already makes me happier than any material thing given. I love irony.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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