Chapter V - The Senator

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Kix and Elena enter the room relieved to still be alive

Abraham: I've never heard of him before. Mitchell: Senator Kyle Davis has always been low key. Abraham: But if we want to get him we need evidence. We need someone who could get inside, someone who they least expect. Elena: Oh no I'm not going to do this. Mitchell: What other choice do we have. If he's working with the DeSantos Cartel and we don't do something, they might have an advantage over us and win this war. Come on. Elena: Alright, as long as Kix comes with me. Kix: (Confused) What? Mitchell: Go Kix.

Kix and Elena both arrive to their destination and get out of the car but Kix is confused to why he was chosen.

Kix: Of all all people why me. Elena: Oh, because. Kix: Right, whatever who are we even going after? Elena: A senator possibly conspiring with the DeSantos Cartel. Kix: I meant the name. Elena: Kyle Davis. Kix: Never heard of him. Elena: Alright let's do this.

As they head to the front door Davis arrives.

Davis: Ms Carter. They told us you were coming. Kix: (Whispering) That wasn't part of the plan.

Elena bumps Kix.

Elena: Thank you for letting us be here on such short notice. Davis: Not at all. It's always a pleasure to have agents of the Dark Force here.

All 3 start walking down the corridor weary of each other.

Davis: I'm sure you heard of the rumors escalating the war. Elena: Yes we are very aware of those rumors. Davis: What brings you two here.

Elena and Kix both look at each other nervously as they don't know what to say.

Kix: (Nervous) Uhh important task force stuff. Elena: Nothing really too exciting. Davis: Well now, come with me. I heard your recent attempts to capture Jose and Manuel have failed. Elena: Well I didn't take part in that assignment, Kix did. Kix: The reason why is classified. Davis: Oh, I see. Well I have to go, see you two around.

After Davis leaves Kix whispers to Elena.

Kix: Are we gonna follow him. Elena: No, not yet. Kix: Okay then, what comes first? Elena: We bug his room. Kix: I'll do it. What floor? Elena: Room 7 3rd floor. Kix: Okay. So what are you gonna do? Elena: I'm gonna look around.

After some time passes Kix goes to Davis’ room and starts pick locking the door.

Kix: Alright, let's see what your hiding.

Kix goes into Davis’ room weary of his surroundings.

Kix: Nothing strange yet, but what else would you expect from a senator. Now, where the hell am I going to plant the bug. The vent.

Meanwhile Davis is talking to a hologram in secret.

Davis: Raul, two dark force agents are here. I think they suspect my involvement with you. Raul: You've been to reckless lately Kyle. They should have never been here. I think it was a mistake letting you have our locations.

Elena is walking by and hears the nearby conversation.

Raul: If they find out about our deal, there will be serious consequen- someone's coming.

Davis ends the transmission.

Davis: Ms. Carter what are you doing here? Elena: Walking around. Davis: Where's your partner at? His name's Kix right? Elena: Well no that's just his nickname but no, I'm sure he's around somewhere. Davis: Ah yes, I'll be going now.

After Davis leaves Elena contacts Kix to get out.

Elena: Kix, I think Davis is going back to his barracks get out of there. Kix: I'm still planting the bug hold on. Elena: No. If he spots you this op is blown. Kix: Hold on. A few more, got it.

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