19: The Puzzle Pieces (Herobrine)

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Okay, I'm putting this first cause it's important.

The short story is that my chromebook charger died on me, so I can't use my chromebook because it's dead. I used my chromebook to write and talk on Wattpad and pretty much everything, so that's why I'm not responding to your comments and stuff. The only reason I've been able to write is because of my dad letting me use his iPad, but I'm not allowed to access the internet with it, so no Wattpad. I'm currently publishing this on my brother's chromebook, but he's about to kick me off (yay).

I'll hopefully have a new chapter in a few days, and then I'll answer all of your guy's comments before doing my exams. With all that said, enjoy the chapter.

After we pushed Entity through the rip, the group took me to a different castle. As we walked towards it, the first memory I remembered flashed in my head, and I instantly knew that this was my castle. As I reached out my hand to the door, it swung open and the torches inside burst into joyous flame, as if they had been waiting for me. Now, I was lying in my bed, which was in the corner of my messy room. Random items had been tossed around everywhere, but I was comfortable with the chaos. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to get to sleep but my most recent memory played over and over again in my head.

Entity and Null activated the beam, and I felt a shudder run through the ground and up into my body. I could feel the world splitting apart, glitching. It was too late. I could hear Jerome asking something, and Entity saying something back, but it was all a hum in the back of my head.


I looked up at Riley. Maybe I couldn't save my world, but I could save her and her friends. I threw out my hand at them, connecting the bridge between my world and their world, sending them back home.

"No, no wait! You can't! HEROBRINE!"

Riley's yells faded away until it was just me, Entity and Null. Entity grinned at me, and I glared back. Something hit my back and I fell to the ground, red and black magic pinning my arms to my sides.

"Give up Herobrine," Entity spat. "We're in control now."

"You can't control Minecraft," I said back. "It can't be controlled."

Entity laughed. "We'll see about that." His sword lashed out, creating a deep cut on my face. I felt the hot blood start to run down my cheek, and I bit the inside of my mouth, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

He just laughed again. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with you Herobrine. You have a lot to pay for."

I forced myself to stop thinking. The rest of the memory was worse, I didn't want to relieve it again. But since I couldn't get to sleep either, I rolled out of my bed and left the room, exploring my castle. I knew the rooms as I reached them, and I recognised a few from the memories I had. I was standing in the kitchen, looking around, memories jumping into my head.

"Can't sleep?"

I spun and saw Riley standing in the entrance of the kitchen, watching me.

"I don't sleep too well," I admitted. "I just keep having these memories playing over and over again in my head."

"Do you remember everything?" she asked.

I hesitated. "Bits and pieces."

She tilted her head, considering something. "Come on, I'll show you something."

Curiously, I followed her. She led me up a staircase that I recognised from one of my memories. The door at the top was bolted and she eased it open, leading the way inside. There were pictures on the walls and a table in the centre that had a box with a broken lock. I knew this room, I had seen it in two memories. Riley had stepped to the side, allowing me to go further into the room.

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