I Only Want You

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" Desiring another person is perhaps the most risky endeavor of all. As soon as you want somebody—really want him—it is as though you have taken a surgical needle and sutured your happiness to the skin of that person, so that any separation will now cause a lacerating injury."

― Elizabeth Gilbert

For Jungkook, everything was hazy and far away. He felt like he was floating, the world softened at the edges and his body either unable to move or utterly unmotivated to do so; he wasn't quite sure which. The fuzzy noises of voices were over him, harsh against the dull ache throughout his whole body, sending jolts of pain to his groin and the small of his back, making him whimper again.

"If the fever doesn't break soon...well..." The smell of wood fire was slamming up against his senses, the strong presence of his lead Alpha in the midst of stress.

"There has to be something !" At the sound of Seokjin's voice, Jungkook let out a little whimper, shifting in his half-consciousness.

"You know exactly what something has to be done!"

"I can't , Namjoon, this isn't how I want to do things."

"This isn't about your ego, Jin, this is about Jungkook. It's your fault things got this bad, so get your head out of your ass and do something."

Jungkook faded out of awareness again, unaware of how long he was sleeping before he woke up again to the gentle smell of soap. He smiled, turning his head to sink into the cloud of it more, the welcoming relief. He felt Seokjin's presence again, a hand pressed to his sweat-covered cheek, and he opened his eyes, but everything looked blurry. He could just make out the shape of Seokjin's face, his expression one undiscernible blob. But he knew it was him. That hand on his cheek was so familiar.

"Jungkookie?" Seokjin's voice sounded so lovely, and Jungkook remembered by feeling, rather than a cohesive thought, that Seokjin was the one protecting him. He sighed, letting his eyes shut again happily with that knowledge. Seokjin would let him sleep. Seokjin would take care of him, would protect him until he felt well again, he was sure of it. Meanwhile, he was being asked a question, one that sounded important, but he had no energy to answer it.

Whatever, Seokjin, I don't care. Just let me sleep!

A warm golden light seemed to press in on his eyelids, making him scrunch up his face slightly.

He felt the cool pressing wetness of a rag against his forehead, pushed down slightly by an unknown hand. Sweat was still forming on his brow, and he still felt gross, but he was warm and whatever he was laying in felt soft and comfortable. Jungkook groaned, not willing to open his eyes yet and face the world. There was a gentle shushing at his side.

Jungkook knew that hours had passed, and he knew that he was still deep into his heat. He whimpered a little as the rag was shifted a little on his brow.

"Seokjin?" he mumbled, his eyes still shut and his hand blindly reaching out, seeking the arm attached to the hand holding the rag. The movement against his forehead stilled, as though surprised, and his clammy hand brushed against someone's cool one for a brief moment before it was pulled away.

"Yes, Jungkook?" Seokjin said quietly.

Jungkook paused, his lips slightly parted, and he knew a little smile was on his face. He forced his eyelids to open so he could see the Alpha leaning in at Jungkook's side, wearing a grey turtleneck and looking quite domestic and soft as he frowned at Jungkook in concern. His lips and cheeks looked a little more flushed than they normally did, a little warmer and pinker than Jungkook was used to.

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