sick • namjung

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"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked Jeongyeon. He laid his hand above her forehead, to see if she has a fever. He checked her entire face, and she looks a little bloated and her cheeks are fully red. Namjoon stood up quickly from the bed, and removed the jacket he's wearing. Jeongyeon got curious, so she asked him.

"What are you doing?" She asked him. He didn't even dare to answer but instead he took out his phone from his pocket and called someone--- Jeongyeon tried to guess, and maybe it's someone from his office.

"Hello? I'm sorry, I can't go to the office right now. Tell the others that I'll be absent today. Thank you." After that he faced her. He left his phone above the desk, and sat down beside her bed. Namjoon patted her head gently and softly, as Jeongyeon stared at him through his eyes. She couldn't help but to stare since he's close to her face by this time.

"What are you doing?" She asked him. Namjoon just smiled at her and he held her hand tightly, as if he doesn't want to let go or leave her all alone. Jeongyeon could feel the warmth from his hands, and she held his hand back tightly, as a respond.

"I took a day off." He said. "I'll be taking care of you today." She just scanned his face, and her lips curved before giggling. She laughed by the thought that he'll be staying inside her dorm just to take care of her, and she could also feel her heart beating fast because of the thought that he's also being thoughtful and caring towards her.

"You shouldn't have to." She said. "You have work today, right?" But, she also felt worried because Namjoon will not be attending his work today. She got scared by the thought that maybe he'll get punished or his boss might get angry at him, because of her.

"I have." He said and he slowly laid her down on the bed. "My work for today is to take care and check up on you." After he said that, he went over the restroom and closed the door. Jeongyeon held her face gently, and she could actually feel her entire face heating up, thinking that Namjoon will be the one to take care of her today. She quickly buried her face through the pillow, and squealed a little because she couldn't hold in her emotions.

It makes her happy to think that he's always thoughtful whenever she feel bad and lonely. Jeongyeon laid her back down on the bed, and covered herself up with a huge blanket. She gripped onto it, and she kept on smiling and giggling. After minutes of waiting, Namjoon finally went out from the restroom and he was holding a small bowl and a towel.

"What is that?" She asked him but he didn't answered her back. He just walked towards her bed, and laid the bowl above the desk. Namjoon looked at her, and he tucked one of her hair away from her forehead. Jeongyeon still could feel hear cheeks getting red, not because she's flustered or blushing, but because she's feeling hot. She felt embarrassed that maybe he would get the wrong idea, when he see her face heating up.

"Can you sit down for awhile?" Namjoon told her, and Jeongyeon got up from the bed and she slowly sat down beside him. She doesn't know a single thing on what he'll do, but she just felt his hands around her hair. She just remained silent, and she thought that maybe he's trying to fix her hair into a ponytail. She couldn't help but to giggle a little, because she find it cute and sweet.

"I don't know how to fix a girl's hair." He said softly while brushing her hair off gently. "But if it's for you, I'll do it." Jeongyeon could actually feel the cheesiness on what he just said, and she covered her mouth, trying to stop herself from laughing. But deep inside, her heart was beating fast so she held her chest.

"Sweet." I whispered softly, and I heard him chucking a little so I laughed together with him. When he was finally done, he faced me and leaned in closer to my face. I was a bit flustered and shy, so I moved my head backwards away from him. I noticed him smirking a little, and I felt his fingers fixing my bangs infront.

"You can lay down now." He told her, and she followed him. When she layed down, Namjoon let out a blanket and covered her whole body and surrounded her with large and soft pillows. Jeongyeon just watched him walking around, and he took the small towel and buried it down on the bowl with warm water. He squeezed it down, and he laid down infront of her bed. Jeongyeon looked at him, and he just smiled at him as a response. Namjoon laid the towel above her forehead, to let her feel cool.

"There." He spoke softly. "To cool you off." They exchanged smiles with each other, and she tightly closed her eyes. It felt good to have him here by her side this time, when she need someone to accompany her, and it has always been him around her.

"Are you hungry?" Namjoon asked her. Jeongyeon opened her eyes slowly, and she slowly held her tummy. He laughed at her, and he laid her hand above hers too. Namjoon thought that maybe he could try to cook something for her, to make her feel even more good and happy. It's his first time cooking for a girl, so he'll try his best to cook her some food today.

"I'm going to cook you some food." He said. "I should go downstairs first, and head to the kitchen." But before he could go or walk away from her bed, he felt warm hands tightly holding his hand, as if stopping him from walking away from her or leaving her all alone inside the dark and lonely room. And he was sure that it's Jeongyeon, I mean who else? He looked back at her bed, and saw her tightly gripping on his hand, and she was looking at him sincerely.

He could feel that she doesn't want to be left alone, and she also needed someone by her side this time. He could read her eyes that she'll feel lonely when he'll leave her inside. Jeongyeon looked down, and she was feeling embarrassed and shy with her sudden action towards him.

"No." She spoke softly and her voice sounds a little weak. "Please don't leave me." Jeongyeon gripped onto his shirt, using his other hand, not wanting to let him walk away from her. Namjoon felt bad so he thought that he'll just stay for awhile just for her. He looked at her back before smiling. His hands searched for hers, and he held her hand tightly before intertwining his fingers to hers. Namjoon walked back from her bed, and he sat down beside her. He brushed her hair while smiling a little.

"No, I won't." Namjoon said. "I won't leave you." After he said that, Jeongyeon's face brightened up a little and she smiled so brightly. She couldn't hold in her emotions and feelings, so she wrapped her arms arouns him, hugging him tightly. Well, when she's between his arms she feels secure, safe and comfortable. He doesn't beg for more, but Namjoon being around her makes her feel enough and okay.

"Stay here for a little awhile, okay?" Jeongyeon begged, and he just nodded at her. He layed down beside her, and she moved a little bit closer to him and she buried her face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her even closer to him.

"Don't go too close!" Jeongyeon said while moving a little bit far away from him. "You'll get sick too!" She looked worried, and she felt scared by the thought that maybe he'll catch her cold by the next day. But, Namjoon didn't follow her. He held her head, and pulled her closer to him. Jeongyeon looked puzzled, so she just remained silent and quiet. Right after that, he noticed that he was moving little by little and inches by inches, their faces are getting closer and closer to one another. She tightly closed her eyes and she thought that he'll kiss her straight through her lips, but she was wrong. He felt his soft and warm lips above her forehead, and she slowly opened her eyes. His face was close to hers, so she just breathed in deeply, smelling his sweet and manly scent. She just smiled, and it felt even more okay that she received forehead kisses from him.

"I don't care if I'll get sick or cold." He whispered. "I just want to be close to you." He said while rubbing both of her cheeks, and she just frowned a little gripping onto his wrist.

"You should be okay by tomorrow." Namjoon said as he was hugging her, and resting his chin above her head while rubbing her back.

"We'll go on a date."

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