boyfriend material

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Harry felt the bed sink as Ariana settled down beside him, his eyes never leaving his book. Ariana matched his position, laying on her stomach and propping her body up with her elbows, bumping their shoulders together. "Hey, Harry."

She couldn't help but smirk - Ariana had no patience whatsoever, and was likely bored now that her boyfriend had his nose buried in his book. "Yes, Ariana?" He replied, turning his head a little in Ariana's direction but still not letting his eyes stray from the page.

It seemed that Ariana hadn't actually formulated a response, so she kept quiet for a minute until she managed to think of something. She looked at Harry curiously. "Do you know what my sweater is made of?"

Harry blinked, attention successfully caught. "What?" he asked incredulously, eyes leaving his book for a moment but before he could even comprehend what had been said Ariana was smiling, bumping their shoulders together playfully.

"Boyfriend material," she answered lightly, looking rather pleased with herself.

Feeling his face heat up Harry looked away briefly, second-hand embarrassment flooding over him. "We're already dating, Ariana," he mumbled, shaking his head a little, and Ariana just laughed.

"I never knew angels could fly this low," she continued, turning to rest on her side. She was watching Harry with a piercing stare, and he could feel his cheeks growing warmer by the second.

"Stop it," he tried it a weak voice, betraying his amusement, and it made Ariana smile wider.

He rolled a little when Ariana leaned forward, only giving the other an excuse to climb on top of him. His book poked into his side uncomfortably, but he didn't have a chance to worry about that. "You look cold," Ariana murmured, "Wanna use me as a blanket?"

"A-Ariana..." Harry stuttered, bracing his hands against her firm stomach and turning his head to the side. It only exposed the fact that the blush had spread down to his neck. "Really, stop it..."

His complete and utter embarrassment seemed to be the aim here, because Ariana just pressed on. "Do you have a map?" she asked when Harry cautiously looked up at her. "I'm just getting lost in your eyes..."

That one struck a chord, and Harry shivered softly, closing his eyes for a second; when he opened them again Ariana's face was closer, her smile wider. "Ariana-"

"Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?"

"I'm not really that hot-"

"There isn't a word in the dictionary for how good you look."

"O-Oh my god-"

"Your body is sixty-five percent water, and I'm thirsty."

"Ariana really, stop-"

"You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line-"


By the time Harry managed to stop her from speaking the brown haired girl on top of him was shaking with laughter. He scowled up at her, skin completely red and burning hot, and something in between fury and self-consciousness churned in his stomach. Ariana watched him carefully, still snickering quietly, and Harry had no idea how he was supposed to respond. What was all that even about? "First of all," he started in a level voice, "you don't need to use pickup lines on me, we're already dating." This seemed to amuse Ariana even more, but she didn't say anything, simply nodded and smiled. "Second of all, you can't say that they work if they just make me flustered and embarrassed!"

Ariana quirked an eyebrow, leaning down a little to rest her chin on Harry's chest. "Why not?"

Harry frowned. "Well-Because... It's just that-" he started but Ariana cut him off with a roar of laughter, clutching at his arms as she tried to control herself. The frown on Harry's face became agitated. "I can't be flattered and dying of embarrassment at the same time!"

It took a few moments but Ariana finally managed to calm her laughter, breathing heavily into the Harry's chest. She stayed silent like that, long enough that Harry thought she might've actually fallen asleep, until her voice piped up brightly.

"What time do you have to be back in heaven-?"



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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