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Congrats Kria

Thanks Raj ,you have given me the biggest happiness of my life she said looking towards herself from head to toe


Sharon please forgive me

Sorry but I can't forgive you people and myself too in that manner .Please don't try to sympathise me it's my mess I'll clear it on my own


What do you think of yourself Reyansh Singhania don't you dare come near Kria ,shouted Sid

Another person was present that time after Sid left,that person came out and repeated the same warning to Rey

Rey expected to hear from sid,but from that person  never ever did he imagine


Please Swayam let me take this chance I'll prove you my feelings

Just a chance


What do you want Mr Singhania?
I am not your girl anymore
Why should I help you when you broke my heart ?


The doors of love are closed in my life and I don't want it to be opened ever again
You may leave now


I am with Swayam,you don't deserve Kria
I'll do anything to stop you from lingering around her


I wanna break up Swayam ,said Sharon
He was too stunned to react


You're no lord  Ram okay? Hell if you consider yourself like that
Oh wait you may on one instance and that's your stupid play at least in the eyes of world you'll be pure for a day


Is this your last decision ?
Yes it is Kria

So these spoilers may not necessarily be in this order or in consistent updates
These maybe of any upcoming chapter
So keep thinking

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