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×Doron "girl" POV×
I could still hear that echoing screetch from that annoying little girl. Ugh next time I wont be so ignorant and I'll attack her, I'll ignore the screetch and fly above, they'll think I left but no I'll swing around and twist like a drill and dive into her back!

"Charlie! Wait up!" I heard Veronica's voice behind me I turned my nail like wings and spun around Veronica was speeding towards me but she soon stopped snapping her wings back to push the air up for a quick stop. "Charlie, the queen wants you." Veronica was a sweet girl and nice. Not made for a Doron like me.

"Fine. I'll be back soon I have to make a quick stop by the Alkons." I turned about to flash my wings back and fly off until she kept talking.

"No! The queen wants you back now! She said its about the Alkons and Angels!" I was getting annoyed. Veronica was ANNOYING me.

"Veronica it wont take long I'll be back once you probably get back and if I'm not tell her I probably fell behind." Without her responding I turned and snapped my wings and flew off faster than I had ever usually gone, I wasn't happy.

I arrived at the Alkon's territory a green place with Alokons flying around happy and like everything is perfect. Disgusting.

I flew down and dropped by a large tree I had to run or walk from here, so I folded my wings and climbed up the tree trying to keep out of sight. I came to the top and hid in the leafs. I peeked out from behind some leafs and looked around.

"Honestly Jaylin life would be much better without the whole 'stay inside' thing." I heard Alkons coming I ducked down until they passed by I then dropped down and looked for their "stash".

I saw it and I dove behind it, I grabbed one of their 'special' berries. I then took a chance, I broke my wings out and shifted into flying, I shot out and left for my territory, once I showed up I would be known as the "special one."

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