The queen (part 1)

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The air brushing against my scaley mask as I glided through the air. My arms were against my side and my hair flying behind me.

I saw something out of the corner of my eye. My eyes shot down seeing that boy, that I had pushed a stick through his wing, TEMPTING to fly, I snickered as I turned back around and dove behind a rock and watched. He dropped down later resting near by.

He sat on the edge of the ledge I decided to uncover myself, I leaned up against the rock I was hiding behind and waited thinking of the right INSULT to say.

"Well well well who do we have here? Mr. Stick boy? Or does that not fit you?" I smirked as his head julted around. He quickly scrambled to his feet.

"WHA- leave me alone." He bit his lip and swung back around about to fly off.

"No." My smirk broke away as his eyes moved looking back at me.

"And why's that?"

"Maybe cause I don't want to?" I was straight up now, tapping one of my fingers against my scaled arm.

"You're annoying."

"Hmph and your not? Where's your flock? Did they leave you?"

"No, I left them I didn't want to be around them." Here was my chance to get him to think I was being friendly and take him to my territory for fresh meat.

"Why don't you come back with me?" He was silent. "To my territory?" I guess that surprised him cause he spun around with his eyes widened.

"Wha-a-a..... why not." HE ACTUALLY SAID YES!? Ok ok he said "why not" but that also means yes just in two words. I smirked.

"Alright, but first, what's your name?"

"Jason, what's yours?"

"Charlie." I replied nervously trying to keep calm.

"Alright, so you lead the way?"

"I guess so." My long nailed wings opened slowly, I twisted the tip of my wing to check the wind speed. 8 miles per hour. I looked over and he was already taking a few steps back to get a running start before taking flight.

I stepped back, Angels and Dorons take off differently, Angels get a running start and Dorons jump about 10-12 feet before spreading their wings so they don't rip.

He sprinted towards the edge, his graceful feathered wings, the sunset glimmered off each feather. His green eye reflected off the river below us. He looked down at me, whike he was circling.

"You comin?" He dove slightly watching my every move, with every stroke of his wings was a following smirk waiting for me.

"Yeah yeah..." I closed my wings and took a step back, I bent my knees and jumped up about only 11 feet, once I reached my max height I began opening my wings, I started diving down while my wings opened, I twisted my wings up slightly and dove up into the clouds.

"Took you long enough." He stared at me.

"Whatever." I twisted around flying off towards my territory. He flew beside me, the last dying light from the sun reflecting off him. I would have never thought I would be flying next to someone so... handsome.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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