Will you date me? (Yuuta Ashuu)

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In the morning, (e/c) orbs blissfully fluttered open as their owner stretched and yawned, after the most wonderful sleep she had gotten after the entire incident with Yashamaru.

After a good look in the mirror, she headed out of the room as it was her turn to ready the table for everyone's breakfast. Quickly she headed downstairs, towards the kitchen and began to gather plates, silverware and napkins.

"Do you need help, (f/n)-chan?" echoed the bright and familiar voice of the one and only pink-haired idol of BPro, Yuuta Ashuu.

"Sure!" she nodded, directing the young man a warm and sweet smile that caused him to jump lightly in a mix of happiness and embarrassment.

A small pink velvety box fell out of his pocket due to the sudden little jump. The pinkette couldn't have reacted quicker, as he saw his companion bending down to pick up the small item, he threw himself forward to pull the box away from her grasp; however, accidents happen with some frequency, and he ended up, not only getting the item to safety, but also pushing away the young woman backwards into a certain undesired sack.

For a moment, (f/n) could do nothing but blink, dumbfounded at the turn of events.

"Yuuta, what the hell was that?" she suddenly exploded, getting up only find herself nearly entirely covered in pure white flour.

"I'm sorry!" half-yelled the easy-going idol. "But you weren't exactly supposed to find that..." he then remarked, his face had gained a bright red hue as he tightly hugged the small item to his chest with both of his hands.

"Well then, what's so damn important that it justifies you covering me with flour from my hair to my toes?" she demanded still in shock, gazing over her previously colourful and now white clothes.

At first, the renowned prankster remained silent, his cheeks flushed crimson as he retreated the box from the enclosure and approached the shorter girl, taking one of her hands in his.

"(F/n)..." He began speaking in an oddly solemn manner. "For a while now, I have known that you are the most wonderful girl I have ever met and it feels as though I've been looking for you for a long time. Now, I want to ask you... Will you date me?"

Pools of (e/c) widened largely along with a bright smile that spread upon the (h/c)'s features as, from the box, Yuuta took a small silver bracelet that was decorated with small rose quartz flowers.

"Yes, but we need to get cleaned up first!" she declared.

"Hm... 'We'? I'm not dirty...!" confusedly spoke the pink-haired idol.

"Oh!" the sound had come from the girl's throat. "Yes, you are!" she stated bluntly, taking a hold of two cups full of flour and dumping them on top of the idol's head and then smearing it all over his jacket and shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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