Roses (Niall Horan)

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A/N: This is my first fan fiction so sorry if it sucks, oops. I don't have a posting schedule right now so maybe later if you want but as of now ill just post whenever I want. I wont keep you for long so lets get on with the fan fiction shall we ~Kisses, Aneta 


I look out my window and I see the wind blowing in the trees, and of course its feels like -8 degrees outside. Typical Michigan weather I guess. To get to my god damn bus I have to walk through 3 feet of snow and I decided today would have been a good day to not where my UGG Boots, good job Adionia (A-dee-on-ya) clap clap. I can already tell today is going to be a shitty day, like most, but today is extra shitty because I forgot my coffee this morning.

I'm a Junior in high school, damn, I'm a junior in fucking high school. Today also happens to be my first day of school at a new school, ever, I had always been in the same town, same school, same people, same old boring shit all the time. Until I had finally had it, I snapped. By snapped I mean snapped I over dosed on my brothers pain killers, I tried to burst a vain, I went completely ballistic. Now basically my parents sent me to an Insane Asylum for 4 weeks and now I'm living in this big house with my adoptive parents because my "old parents" didn't want a crazy suicidal 16 year old girl, I guess they told my "new parents" to keep me safe. That's it, seriously, keep her safe, that's fucking it. They're supposed to visit every other week but they never do.

My "new parents," Jessica and Emily Rose are, so far, the most wonderful people I've met since before my "accident" 3 months ago, they've made me feel so much better about myself. They make me happy and I couldn't ask for anything any better. Yes, they are a gay couple and although they aren't aloud to legally get married in this wretched state they still love each other more than ever. Obviously, because they can't have a baby together they decided they would adopt me and they weren't really hoping to have to go through a baby stage anyways I guess they lucked out, I mean if they were hoping to see me grow up through my childhood they didn't really miss anything I didn't really accomplish anything except for kindergarten graduation.

Anyways, damn I got really off track, today is my first day of school at Heritage High, great right. I guess this might actually be a good thing because everybody back home thinks of me as the crazy suicidal girl, oops. As far as I know, none of the teachers or students know and the only person that knows is the councilor and I have to go see my own therapist once a month so I don't have to go in and see the councilor at school, thank god. As soon as I walk in the school I think, holy shit is this my school or a fucking palace. It is seriously 100 times bigger than my old school, damn. Oh fuck, that means if the school itself is bigger that means the schools population has to be bigger which also means faster spreading rumors about my "accident."

Shit, I'm going to get lost in here, I arrive during a class period so the hallways are mostly empty and me Emily and Jess head to the front office where I'll get my class schedule and all the things I need for my classes and a tour around the school then I start in my 5th hour period but I wont do any work ill apparently just be getting used to my surroundings here at Heritage High as the office lady put it. So this is my class schedule:

1st Period- Psychology 2

2nd Period- Band

3rd Period- English 3

4th Period- Algebra 3


5th Period- World History

Study Hall

6th Period- Gym

7th Period- Spanish 1

Spanish 1 and World History are definitely going to be difficult because I've never taken them but oh well life will go on, hopefully. I got my tour of the school and it looks like all my classes but band are relatively close so I might not actually get lost. While I'm touring I peak inside my English class the teacher is Mr. Little then I look a little to the left and it hits me. Holy shit, this blonde haired kid sitting front row, might as well be asleep, and... BINGO an empty seat right next to him, perfect, that's definitely going to be the highlight of my day. Once were done with the tour I go eat my lunch in the principals office with Jess and Em to talk about something's before I go to my 5th period class, World History.

Roses (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now