Chapter Three: My Rose

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A/N: Okay, I know I haven't posted in like a week, soooo, I was thinking I'm probably going to post an extra long chapter today to make up for it.  If you guys have any suggestions for chapters I'd love to hear them, im sort of starting to run out of ideas but, my friend, Santasia has been kind of helping me out with this book.  Anyways, stay lovely darlings  ~Kisses, Aneta


                                                                          Nialls P.O.V.

Here we go, one more shitty day to add to my pile of my life.  I basically killed my alarm clock by slamming the snooze button way too hard this morning, but who the hell cares anyways right?  Of course, I got hit by a slush soaked glove today on the bus, stupid immature junior high kids.  Then, oh then, I walked into school and along with probably about 89% of the schools population was immediately bored as fuck... what a surprise. Then my day continued the same as ever, 1st block, then 2nd, then 3rd, then 4th, then lunch, but then that's when I met her.  Rose, my Rose.  Well, her name is Adionia Rose but I like to call her Rose it sounds more her style.  I don't think she knows I call her Rose but I'm assuming she will.  Anyways, her beautiful red hair, her gleaming green eyes, her height, its all just perfect, she is perfect.  Im honestly quite positive she has no flaws. 

In my World History class with Mr. Henry when she stood in the front of the class starring almost blankly at the ground and smiled as beautifully as she did I really couldn't help but notice her for the rest of the day.  I know I probably should have engaged in more conversation with her but I feel like she wasn't really interested, until I told her about the party at Jacobs house next week.  Its was her first day here and I already asked her to go to a party with me.  Did that count as invadingly obsessive?  I hope not... shit. 

Study Hall was really awkward for me, I don't know if it was for her because basically all I did was my English home work and stare at Adionia.  I wasn't aloud to talk to her though, I really wish I could've.  I want to know more about her. I guess that's going to have to wait though.  Spanish came along at the end of the day, I can't stand that class, but its required so I have to take it for 2 years.  Upside: my Rose is in that class too so I get to obsessively stare at her again.  Yay.  

Her and Merium Toppa talked a lot in that class which probably means they're going to be good friends and don't get me wrong im glad that Adionia is making friends but, to be honest, Merium isn't the type of girl I expected to be friends with a girl like my Rose.  Merium was new last year and she was kind of like my Rose a little shy, a little not, a little girly, a little not, beautiful, but as she got more comfortable here she just kind of drifted off a different way than we all expected she was just really uh, what's the word, I don't know just different. 

I hope Rose plays off as she is now, so far I like who she is and I'm accepting it and she gives me this vibe like I don't know, like were meant to be together.  Man, I can't even fathom this right now, its her first day c'mon Niall get your shit together, give her some god damn space... Oh wait I decided I was going to invite her to a party.  What the fuck is wrong with me.


                                                       The Next Day

My same normal day routine began today, except I was excited for English, that never happens, ever.  Why was I excited for English you might ask?  Because my Rose is also in my English 3 class and there just happens to be the only empty seat in the room, right next to me.

So 1st block went by and I noticed people were noticing her and then 2nd Block came and even more people noticing her and then in-between the bells for 3rd block I eventually caught up with her in the hallway

"Aye, Rose!"

She spun around almost at the speed of light and smiled a bright smile.  That's when I noticed that she had been doing the same thing for me as I had been for her, thinking.  Which made me smile even wider because I knew that this was probably going somewhere, as long as I don't fuck it up, which I do have the tendency to do so lets just stay calm. 

"Hey Blondie," she said giving me a little nudge on the shoulder

"How your first full day at Heritage High School been?"

"I don't really know yet 1st block wasn't really the type of phycology I was expecting but oh well I like it. How about you how has your day been?"

"Fine," lie, "The bells about to ring, lets get to class"

"ha ha, okay."

Oh god her laugh was unspeakably delightful, not even just the sound, the way she looks when she laughs.  How her mouth opens wide and her eyes get those crinkles and, and how her head tilts back a little bit. God why can't I spend the rest of my life with her? Oh right, because your a junior in high school and its only her second day of school.  Damn, she is so gorgeous though.  Adionia Rose, my Rose. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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