Chapter Two: World History

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A/N: Hello kind friendship makers welcome to chapter two.  I feel really hyper right now, oops, anyways I hope you like this chapter Ill try to post one tomorrow too but I don't know so yeah. ~Kisses, Aneta

After lunch in the principles office I could really start to feel my knees shaking and my heart beating at 2000mph or the 600 fluttering butterfly's in my stomach.  When I step into my world history class the first thing I do is walk to the teacher, Mr. Henry, and ask him where I should sit.

"Anywhere that feels comfortable" he said politely even though his voice gave me the shivering feeling that he was going to be a complete boring douche bag.  Anyways, I sat in the second row 3rd column.  

Once the rest of the class had filed in and the bell rang Mr. Henry made me get up in front of the class and introduce myself.

I walked up quietly and almost whispered "Hi, I'm Adionia Rose, I came from Grayling and, yeah."

Most of the class laughed and I smiled and sat back down only to realize I had been sitting next to the blonde haired kid and I hadn't even noticed, probably because I was starting straight at my book and no where else.  The only reason I noticed was because he leaned over to me and whispered

"you have a beautiful smile." 

I smiled at him and whisper back "yours isn't that bad either" as he let out a little chuckle

"I'm Niall by the way."

"Okay, hi Niall."

"ha ha, hi"

"Do I have any other classes with you?'

I gave him my schedule to look at. "Uh, yeah English 3, Study Hall, and Spanish 1"

I gave a little half smile sort of thing when he passed back the schedule and whispered "cool" kind of to myself kind of not and I looked away to pay attention to Mr. Henry not even realizing he'd already started a lecture.  About 20 minutes went by and I was starting to feel more and more comfortable here by the minute and it was probably because of the thought of Niall's eyes on me.  Downside: I was correct, this class is hella boring so I decided to turn to talk with Niall again, partly because of extreme boredom and partly because I had already learned this shit so I leaned over and whispered

"Are you as bored as I am?"


"Ugh, is he always this boring?"

"Yeah, but an upside is when we do work he lets us talk, if he is in a good mood, which most of the time he is."


"so, what was Grayling like?"

"Small, boring, hella boring infact"

"ha ha it never gets boring around here."

"I bet, are you the party type?"

"Sometimes it depends on the day, I guess."

"Do they throw good parties around here?"

"Hell yeah! I want to this one party and I was with some of my friends and there were people jumping off the roof and stuff it was crazy."

"Wow! They never threw parties in Grayling and when they did they were really fucking boring and not even fun. Like you had to drive 100 miles to get to a good party."

"I think there's party this week end at my friends house if you want to go I can hook up."

"ha ha okay."  Then the bell rang ruining my fun but at least he walked me to study hall and even though we cant talk under any circumstances in our half an hour study hall he sat by me and I could feel his smile at times. 

Niall was really one of the only people I met at school that day though.  I met this girl named Merium and she seemed really nice and she will probably be one of my only friends at this school, hopefully not.

Spanish 1 came along and we had assigned seats and I didn't get to sit by Niall but I did get to sit by Merium.  At one point in class she leaned over and whispered

"Hey, Adionia, what's with Niall today he's been staring at you all hour?"

"Yeah, I guess he's been doing that a lot lately. I don't mind though." I said in reply

"Oh, I don't know about him, if he comes after you girl, you know where to find me." she ended in a wink

"ha ha okay."

I looked over and there he was, starring away, I definitely could get used to this. I don't care what Merium says he is an alright guy to me.

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