Chapter 12

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Camila's pov-

Lauren dragged me to the side of the building and held my hands. She looked Deeply into my eyes, but I only looked down hurt.

"Camz? What's wrong" she asked. I looked up seeing her beautiful green orbs that I got lost in.

"You wouldn't understand. I'm fine though" I half smiled and patted her shoulders. She shook her head giving me a pleasing look. "Lauren, I can't really explain. Just forget it" I hugged her and walked away with tears wanting to spill. But I didn't let them, I didn't want to worry the girls or Lauren.

"Mila! You ok" I looked at Dinah pulling off my fake smile.

"Yeah, I'll be fine" I grabbed her hand taking her inside pizza hut. We sat down first and a waitress came asking us about what we liked to drink.

"Hey guys" I mentally groaned and looked at Dinah. The guy or shall I say boy who has abused the love of my life stood in front of us. So much I wanted to punch him in his face, but I think Lauren wouldn't forgive me.

"Camila, want to go with me" Austin asked, ripping me from my thoughts. I nodded standing up. We walked over to the buffet table and stacked our plates with food.

"I like a girl who can eat" Austin laughed as he finished stacking his plate, and I wasn't.

"Then you'll love me" I giggled. When I was done, we walked over to the table letting everyone else get their food.

The whole time there Lauren and Keaton talked, the girls talked to each other, so it left me to talk to Austin. He's actually a nice guy with really interesting eyes. I could stare at them all day if I can.

"so are you guys ready to be touring" He asked before taking a bite of his dessert.

"Yeah! I'm like so excited" Ally told us a day before, that we were doing a small mall tour.

"That's nice. Would you um...?" He paused and scratched the back of his head nervously. Its was so adorable.

"Would I what" he smiled lightly and looked away.

"Like to hang out, before your tour starts" I smiled nodding my head. I lulled him to a hug, and took bis phone putting in my number.

After we all went home, Of course Lauren wasn't with us, and I was really nervous. The girls don't know about Keaton's abuse, not even Dinah knows.

We finally made it home, and a lot of people stood outside the house. We nervously came out the car, but there stood Simon, we came out a little better.

"Hello girls" Simon said when we where in front of him. "Where's Lauren" he asked.

"She's with Keaton" Ally said.

."Call her and tell her to come home. I have a surprise for you girls" He smiled devilishly.

Normani called Lauren and 20 minutes later, Keaton dropped her off. She stood next to me, and I shuffled myself towards Dinah. She raised a brow and looked at Simon.

Simon drove us to the studios parking lot. We got out again nervously and walked to the side building.

"Ok girls, this is my surprise to you" Simon motioned his hand to a couple of guys. Then out of nowhere, a big black bus with our faces on the side appeared. We all screamed, and ran towards it.

"Simon! This is amazing" I yelled. He chuckled watching us ran around the big vehicle.

"I'm glad you love it. Wait til you see inside" He winked and walked over to the bus. He opened it and motioned us inside. We ran looking around. Our bunks was perfect size. Everything was perfect.

"I'll get this bunk" Ally yelled. Then Dinah and Normani. Lauren and I got left last, so our bunks were right next to each other.

After awhile of looking through the beautiful black bus, we went home to start packing.

My eyes started feeling heavy, so I decided to take a nap. I laid there for awhile til my eyes where completely closed, and I fell to a dreamless sleep.

My phone began to go off and I groaned answering it.


"Hey Camila! Its Austin"

Lauren's pov-

After packing some of my things, I walked around the mansion. It had a lot of rooms that we didn't need, but could use them when friends or family came over.

One room caught my eye. It was all the way at the back of the house, and it was hidden, so no one could see it. I was surprised that I even saw it.

I slowly walked in looking around. There was an old piano, a widow with an amazing view of the Hollywood sign, and a small couch by the window. The walls were painted in a nice sky blue. This was a nice sized room, and I loved it. I sat on the piano, messing with the keys.

After an hour of hanging alone and playing the piano, I moved my big book shelf in the room, without anybody noticing. This will be my secret room. Where I and when I want to be alone.

"Lauren!" I heard faintly. I rushed out the room before anybody would see me. I saw Ally walking down the hall, and I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

"Hey don't scare me!" She slapped my arm and looked at me. "Come on, let's walk Mila to the front" I looked at her confusedly. She smiled at me."Austin is taking Mila out, just the two. Its Mila's first date, so we have to be supportive." I smiled and walked away.

My whole mood went down hill and I found myself in front of Camila's door. I knocked before entering.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I said to Camila trying not to sound mad. She looked up from putting on her shoe and raised a brow.

"What do you mean"

"That your going out with Austin, are you with him" I was getting madder at  every second that passed. I felt my cheeks turn red, but I didn't bother with it. I know Camila won't know about this, but she's mine and nobody elses. I probably sound stupid.

"Lauren what the hell is wrong with you" She asked in a worried tone.

"Just are you with him!" I yelled. I never yelled at her before, so I saw fear in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter if I'm with him or not. You wouldn't care, why are you caring all of a sudden" she backed away from me.

"It does matter Camila! And I've always cared, but you know what just go and have fun. Forget about me. Just don't talk to me!" I walked out her room and slammed the door as I went. I was definitely being the opposite of supportive.

As I stormed off to my room, I realised what I have done. I told Camila not to talk to me. I can't live without that. I'm such an idiot. I let my anger get the best of me. Were not even together. Shit! She doesn't even think of me the same I do for her.

"Your such an idiot Lauren" I said to myself as I ran my fingers through my hair. I kicked the door behind me, slamming it shut.

A/N: I'm feeling a little better!! chapter 12. Follow me on twitter @/laurenj5h_ and on tumblr @/laurenj5h

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